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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Awesome. I just wrote a giant paper on things like this. They'll sue the school based on the grounds of the Tinker Standard and win. Then they can go to a nice private school. Flag desecration is legal, it is symbolic speech, which trumps those laws.
  2. I bet you are really excited to meet him now.
  3. I remember when my dad told me about his work getting a 1200 baud modem. Instead of sending a truck to 4 hours away with order information and etc, they were able to send it all in 1 hour. Now its all done in a matter of milliseconds. Oh how things change.
  4. welcome to the world of slow. you can get a volvo 850 t5 for around there if you look long enough. supposed 200+whp with intake.
  5. Just find the nest yourself and light them on fire. Then run like hell.
  6. Do it with a e30 wagon.
  7. Sure, just go for the head. Then say they aimed at you. Then there is only one side to the story.
  8. So are you for running through red lights or against it?
  9. Or its a incentive for people to stop running red lights and killing people.
  10. If you aren't replacing it under warranty I'll take your old drive off your hands.
  11. Are you saying the xbox comes with no hdmi cables or no hdmi port?
  12. I don't stop for anything red, including other peoples brake lights. They are ecoterrorist that don't want me to save fuel and promote socialism in my childrens schools.
  13. They obviously meant stripper clips, since no one would dare consider carrying more than one magazine.
  14. People should run less red lights.
  15. No way, you can make way better shit out of legos. http://vimeo.com/10772800
  16. There isn't any ads on the site. The site hasn't even been updated in a year. My guess is that some hacker was able to load the script. It was clean a few days ago, so this must of been recent. Sorry everyone.
  17. Last year 33 outside nelsonville flooded when my dad and brother were driving back from Athens. A bunch of cars got flooded out/stranded but thankfully the explorer made it through, and got the best underbody wash of its life.
  18. If you have ever been to Germany you know what junk mercedes produces.
  19. HTTPS:// is a secure connection. Basically its required to log into secure services like paypal and such. Just look at the url bar, you are on HTTP:// majority of the time.
  20. For non-rooted phones PDA Net will do USB tethering for free. Well, the free version is everything but https, which should be good enough for most browsing. No idea if it supports the incredible though.
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