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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Small? Check. Rear Engined? Check. Turbo? Check. I like your car, looks like it would be fun. Welcome.
  2. unfunnyryan


    slow .. pick me up in it.
  3. After going 250, 100 probably didn't seem so fast anymore.
  4. http://www.atvurge.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/atv.jpg + http://tinyfarmblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/win07_mini-meltdown.jpg
  5. there are several vbulletin apps for all phones. Although none of the free ones are that great to my knowledge.
  6. Advanced Task Manager Boozemeter Caller ID Faker MetaMorph My Tracks (GPS route tracking fun) Speed View Wikitude e: They took it off the market for a while for bug fixes I think, but Katamari Mobil is awesome fun.
  7. Several phones have the capability for FM, although it isn't included.. There is ongoing development to get it working on Droids.
  8. http://i42.tinypic.com/2i7bfh0.jpg
  9. On second thought, you're car is probably immune to spike strips at this point. e: except where the wheels hellaflush out to the side.
  10. I want to punch you in the throat
  11. Why wouldn't you want flash now when everyone is using it now? It's like having flash, and viewing it too.
  12. this thread put a happy, then a sad on my face.
  13. On the bright side, your car is physically unable to run 'over' anything.
  14. Hahaha. I hope there is a lot of different phrases. That is beautiful, although I wouldn't drive it personally.
  15. No one has mentioned it yet, but the best place to get a good deal on Audi's is the craigslist M4M section.
  16. No, apple will not grant adobe access to the APIs needed in OS X or iOS to properly develop a flash player. Flash in windows is a flawless experience, and as long as windows is the dominant player, flash is not going to be leaving any time soon. Get this into your head people.
  17. Guy got found by a cop with no sense of humor obviously.
  18. No one gives two flying fucks what Kenya says though. That's not an opinion either, that's a fact.
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