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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. Looks very comfortable. Any ideas on rent?
  2. http://www.redmondpie.com/how-to-overclock-motorola-droid-to-1ghz-9140391/ I'm running 950mhz stable The difference is incredible. All menus are truly smooth, apps running like never before. Its like sex with a really really hot dead hooker. You do need root and adb and superuser access... but if you don't have that already, wtf!
  3. I thought GT4 was supposed to be delayed indefinitely, and now they do this.. This is why I avoid consoles all together. PC GAMING FTMFW.
  4. Thats pretty awesome... Thanks, Eric.
  5. Your CPU link needs some fixin. Looks like a very good deal for someone building a budget rig.
  6. :doh: someone is going to be mad that i stole their beer.. ps: if 300hp on the R isn't enough.. add 35 more
  7. they had sex in the knife hole
  8. cgi is a script file. It is something that should actually run on their server, and not downloaded. You either downloaded a link you were supposed to follow, or they have a messed up config on their server.
  9. a volvo V70 offers all of those, the third row seat is a option you can add your self. Get a V70R for bonus points. edit: heres a winner. This one has options I've never seen before. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Volvo-V70-2-5L-TURBO-R-STUNNING-6-SPEED-V70R-3RD-SEAT-BOOSTER-SEATS-HTD-SEATS_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQhashZitem35a69c84f3QQitemZ230428542195QQptZUSQ5fCarsQ5fTrucks
  10. Well, besides that pentium being a single core, way outdated 2.2ghz processor, you could have a dual core 1.6ghz processor that uses far less energy and produces less heat. And it would probably be cheaper.
  11. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834200028 $50 more for a processor miles beyond the other one. Slighty smaller HDD though, but easy enough to upgrade in the future.
  12. only if you stop referring to them as dolls, and call them by their real names
  13. RealDoll actually offers that I think.. They do custom orders. ..thats just what I overheard one day. :whistle:
  14. Fuck that pentium mobile processor. You could get the same performance out of a Atom and 2x the battery life.
  15. no SO just whatever girl I happen to be sexing. They get nothing.
  16. They don't make a male one yet.
  17. That's a house you don't rob. The dog could dispose of your body in a bit over a month it sounds like.
  18. That's pretty awesome. I need to go steal a Toyota, and sue the company and the owner when the accelerator sticks.
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