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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. My dad drives one of the last gen (non ugly) ones, and you pop the hood just to have plastic covers everywhere. Moreso than the current one.
  2. Were talking Google here. They don't give a fuck about cost. They don't give a fuck about competition. They will do something because they fucking can.
  3. It makes your dick sound bigger when you measure it in metric.
  4. Wow that sucks. Oh well, I guess you win some, you luge some. (too soon?)
  5. Install malware bytes, what you have I believe is malware that says you have viruses, to sell antivirus software. If not, you will probably still fix a lot of your problems.
  6. As a droid owner, this thread gave me some chuckles Thanks.
  7. I hope he gets his full asking price for all that.
  8. if you're rooted, which you should be, i use this http://code.google.com/p/android-wifi-tether/ Requires custom wifi drivers for some devices.. Works great on bugless beast, I'm using it right now driving back to columbus.
  9. Not a clue.. however I am coming home this weekend and I am going to be getting a usb cable to make a dongle out of, and am going to see what all I can get working usb-wise.
  10. you basically short out the green and white wires on a USB cable, and connect it to a female end, and thats your usb dongle (plus having to connect/disconnect on startup for it to recognize) Having it wrok will still require you to have a custom driver or app, but it isn't too far off (external drives are already working on some devices)
  11. I'm bored of waiting for 2.1 I installed Bugless Beast today, and holy shit this has all the nice stuff built into one good package, including wifi tethering. If you are the l33t type, check it out here http://alldroid.org/viewtopic.php?f=309&t=1553
  12. Can you get the rest of the model number/revision number off the bottom of the unit? I've been looking for another linksys to run DD-WRT on
  13. I didn't say you had to get a droid, just not a g1
  14. G1? Hah! Don't people know they aren't supposed to hang on to phones that long?
  15. Did he not have the parking brake on? The way he was stopping/going its almost like he was holding the brake down.
  16. Sounds similar from what I understand.. I had my phone set to block OTA updates a while ago, I don't know if that setting was ever restored to normal. Oh well, I'm watching the droid forums carefully for the next few days.
  17. Ive know about this for a few days now..Finally got around to unrooting my phone and returning it to stock for the update. I guess I can go without having a overclocked phone for a bit
  18. Favorite part is the night mode in the navigation, which has existed in every car GPS i've ever used.
  19. I'll be checking craigslist for a hot deal on this van.
  20. You've obviously never played Natural Selection (HL mod) and if you did, you were never good as a fade.
  21. unfunnyryan


    Is it still misfiring? Are the plugs gapped right?
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