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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. I was really hoping you meant like, find one that's sleeping, and put clothes on it. Sorry to hear about it though.
  2. The LM002 still remains my favorite SUV of all time. They should just make more of these with modern tech.
  3. They are much quicker, and it saves your back, even in the lightest of snow. Fucking use it.
  4. Its not like its going to assist in catching people speeding or parking violations.. Just finding people with expired tags, warrants, or stolen cars which are generally bad things.
  5. So if I go home this weekend, will I be able to see the marks you left? I don't want to be disappointed.
  6. sounds like a problem with your host file? Try this: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/972034
  7. http://i45.tinypic.com/2hyji14.jpg
  8. Its a demonstration to show that they can make the highest quality cars, and as well make a higher quality supercar. Eventually some of that things tech (like the dash) will trickle into its other cars, so its not a complete loss.
  9. unfunnyryan

    Nexus One

    Droid...2? Fuck me for being a early adopter.
  10. The sound that thing makes... :splooge:
  11. I'll do this for a day for $30
  12. Not if he creates a fixed lease. This sounds like shady-shitty linksys wireless router to me.
  13. So it has the potential to be faster, but it won't be. :thumbup: at&t, you are really showing t-mobile whats up.
  14. I'd pay $10 to see this done without alcohol involved.
  15. unfunnyryan


    Ask a firefighter or EMT about immigrants. These people refuse care most of the time. I honestly think immigrants, even illegal ones, pay far more into society than they take out. ninja edit: But by helping everyone else, you mean other countries, yeah, fuck that.
  16. I think people should be forced to get health insurance in case I get screwed and get a STD (or, any other possible injury.) That way, since I got it from them, they should cover it for being negligent.
  17. unfunnyryan


    Yeah? I think old people should have voting rights revoked. And their drivers licenses too. And if they can't feed themselves, that's just too damn bad. Out of curiosity, what rights have been taken from you recently? I guess I could blame Obama for my student ID not working in the card reader last night. Fucking socialist card readers.
  18. unfunnyryan

    Printer help

    Except you get .5ml of ink with the included cartridge, and upwards of 12ml in a $30 cartridge
  19. Were forcing you to insure your car too, jackass.
  20. I'm tempted to get in on this.
  21. unfunnyryan


    Republicans legalized it in 1898, and then those damn democrats started putting restrictions on its sale in 1914. DAMN YOU!!
  22. unfunnyryan


    Its what's in your tax refund.
  23. If I was still in highschool I'd do it.
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