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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. I think I'm getting like $9 back. I'm going to spend it on chipotle.
  2. Looks like a C5 to me? The interior looks nice though.
  3. (RAH)² (AH)³ + RO (MA + MAMA) + (GA)² + OOH(LA)²
  4. Those are mostly T-Mobile problems..not nexus problems.
  5. So the second she learned to use it she turned it on her self. She didn't want to waste any damn time did she?
  6. You'd need to teach common sense and literacy first.
  7. I don't see any hard evidence that you pooped.. or that anyone pooped at all.
  8. I'd have the curiosity to do it in my own home, where everyone wouldn't be kept for interviews for 4 hours. I've been there before, and everyone I came with and some of the other people there as well were all real polite and handled all firearms in a safe matter, as if it all came naturally. I'm more-so glad that this was a suicide than a accident/homicide, guns get less bad rep that way.
  9. I didn't make it past the first rule without breaking one of them fathers hide your daughters
  10. unfunnyryan


  11. +1 Don't be like my friend who has returned 3 different laptops to bestbuy (i dont know why the fuck he bought one there in the first place) because they kept having a plethora of hardware issues. All in the span of 8 months.
  12. Yeah? Well my non-blue friends think all your blue friends should be a bit more appreciative.
  13. Except the whole time he owned it it wouldn't be running.
  14. Do debit cards not work? I keep trying to put $15 on and keep getting declined. edit: card getting declined do to internet gambling restrictions by card issuer. lame.
  15. Nope, I order online and pick it up. Just order your shit online, it'll save you a few bucks if you look up some coupons.
  16. I haven't had dominos in forever. Is it really that bad? I'm glad I live near a Donatos that has always had our food ready in 15 minutes, and has never fucked an order.
  17. It offers plenty of other benefits too.. Such as making sure many people don't reproduce.
  18. http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/CES/high-tech-sex-porn-flirts-cutting-edge/story?id=9511040&page=1 I guess we can start eliminating all the women from the gene pool. Want to learn more, and possibly find a reason to get a divorce? Check the link below. NSFW: http://www.truecompanion.com/ Pictures, also NSFW: http://www.69adget.com/true-companion-sex-robot-roxxxy/ I'm just curious what it cost for something that looks like a strung out D grade stripper.
  19. Well, I'd just shit in his mouth at that point.
  20. reverse + traction control off = me splooging snow all over you, knocking you down, and then winning.
  21. Vette should of fought back. If he knew the other person was going to try to spin him out, he had the perfect oppertunity to spin out the porsche when he was just behind him along the wall. Epic video though. Had me glued to the screen for sure.
  22. Forester AWD. Probably the most practical AWD daily you can buy.
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