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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. If they can price it around 28k or less the car could be a mild success, otherwise they are just putting a wannabe BMW out on the market.
  2. hahahaha god damn. Some day I'll be put under and I'll end up saying some pretty stupid shit.
  3. My dog had really dark hair when she was younger, but it got lighter as she got older. I wish I had a digital picture of when she was young but that before digital cameras so heres one after her hair lightened up (around 10 years old in this pic). http://www.ryanhallarn.com/images/pets/rudiesock2.jpg
  4. Is that an Australian Shepard? It looks JUST like the one I had when she was younger. Such great dogs.
  5. unfunnyryan


    Stacy: Wait! We'd like to give you a last minute discount on our GRANT LINE PRO. I've been authorized to discount your shipping to only $0.99 for trying out GRANT LINE PRO! If you'll CLICK HERE I can give you the secret page to this last chance offer. You: I like apples You: Do you like apples? Stacy: the website builder and ebay work on a mac, but right now the CD is only for windows users at this time. Sorry
  6. Same here. It could of been done a lot better..
  7. I've studied Chernobyl and I've also played both stalker games..as a result its one place I definitely DO want to visit some day.
  8. Just hope they are generous with their painkiller prescriptions. I wont have mine removed for a few years (I only have 3 of them actually) but I remember when my brother got his out. He was fun while under the effects of the anesthesia
  9. If we were to say your washer fluid was 1/2 alcohol and 1/2 water then you would have a liquid weight of 118.8oz/gallon (water has a weight of 128oz/gallon). This would make each gallon weigh 7.425lbs. Doing some 1am math, you removed 19.305 fluid ounces, which means you have a tiny ass washer fluid reservoir. I don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about anymore
  10. This is all I really paid attention to in the video lol. I went and paused it a couple of times to see which engine it had and in a screenshot I got it looks like the timing belt cover isn't on. But I fucking loved the ending.
  11. +1 for monoprice..the markup on cables in retail stores is outrageous, in some cases its over 1000% markup.. I know some HD junkies that would love to argue that.
  12. Now thats a class I could do some homework for
  13. The castrol one with the chimps. Chimps are ALWAYS funny.
  14. Thats another idea. How much do these things weigh? I bet any gains would probably be offset by the added weight.
  15. Forgot to add - even though the freeways are smooth, what happens to your front suspension when you press on the brake? or the rear when you hit the throttle?
  16. Does that diagram look like the diagram of a spark plug to anyone else? Cool idea, and it could do way more than add to your mileage. You could have on the fly adjustable shocks and such by changing how much electrical resistance you want to put on it..
  17. I was more interested in the comments than the poop. But you have to wonder how a place like that smells..
  18. I hate how loosely the term "hacker" is used today. It was people that found some online manuals that told them the default password was "DOTS" and the city was too dumb to change it.
  19. I like... And that wing is there for a reason. Probably helps more at high speeds than you can imagine... Porsches are very well tuned machines..
  20. Interesting. It really sounds like the service isn't running. Since you didn't really specify if it was or not, try this. Start -> Run -> NET START IIS Have you ever had IIS working with a webserver or anything else before?
  21. Did you do all this? http://www.hostmysite.com/support/dedicated/iis/iisftp/ You may have to restart. I've never used IIS for FTP before. Is the service running?
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