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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. http://i43.tinypic.com/21ebuif.jpg http://i39.tinypic.com/24n361w.jpg I messed up the wheel but correcting the paint and getting some shine to it was what i really wanted to work on. The default image doesn't have enough shine on it to let its paint look like the lambos.
  2. Its well known the only way to clean a shamwow is with oxyclean. Oxyclean > Shamwow.
  3. These shirts are just too good to pass up. http://www.madcowsdesign.com/racing-shirts.html http://us.st12.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/yhst-30795607742246_2034_12533192 http://us.st12.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/yhst-30795607742246_2034_17511932 http://us.st12.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/yhst-30795607742246_2033_35171
  4. We usually have to replace a dvr box about every month. The fuckers keep dieing. POS Company... as soon as FiOS hits columbus...
  5. also, for $900, you can add 35hp to these with ease. http://www.ipdusa.com/Volvo-S60/Performance/ECU-Upgrades/p-74-403-2193/ There IS volvo aftermarket, its just not easy to find.
  6. related: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cB-brdtqLw&NR=1 more: theres a lot of these. When I have kids, the keys are going to be kept far, far out of reach..
  7. I don't know about pressing charges but letting him sit in the jail cell is one thing the parents have done right.
  8. I like how people are saying their prices suck compared to bestbuy, when bestbuys prices suck compared to newegg
  9. -5 degrees following a short snow storm.. Are you fucking serious? what were they racing, snow plows?
  10. Go with a Q9300 processor. It'll be a little bit more but you get that much more performance out of it. Power savings too. Under $300 isn't really the quad core sweet spot range unless you absolutely need it and get a q6600. I love my Q6600, and I probably will for at least another 2 years.
  11. Good find. I was just going to say it was caused by ice in the air.
  12. unfunnyryan

    windows 7

    Who can complain about Vista when 4GB of ram is $35? Only people I think can complain about that is people that bought apple hardware who pay $75 per gb Seriously, I love vista. I have a 4 day weekend and I think I might install windows 7 since all the reviews have been great.
  13. I had a great picture this morning.. My phone is fucked up though and didn't save it. Need to get it replaced today. Only 2 months old too..
  14. Thats terrible that a business could be run that poorly. It sounds like hes running a part time chop-shop operation. Also, that render looks like shit. It looks too embossed. Look at the see through part of the hood too lol.
  15. Mhm. Lets say I know people who both received an email from a friend working at a municipal building containing a file off that computer.. Then lets say cops raided two houses because of people being sent an email. The law is fucked up. Take a look at this video. There is no justice any more. Just a society of "criminals"
  16. On 2nd thought, I'd hit it just to say I did. "Yeah? Well I banged a chick with 2 heads once. Beat that."
  17. If they got pregnant, who would be the mother... That could provoke a very, very interesting court case..
  18. unfunnyryan


    The added wind resistance from the body kit and all the extra weight probably cancles out all power gained..
  19. He got searched for drugs, they took his phone and looked through it.
  20. You have plenty of space free, geek squad was probably talking about memory as in RAM. Adding RAM can help a computer perform faster, but it is not a cure to problems. If your computer uses DDR2 Ram I'd say go for the upgrade since its so cheap to do anyways..
  21. Geeksquad is your first problem. The people that work there are smart for the most part, but their policy is to rob you shitless before ever actually helping you. Right click on C, go to properties. First run a disk cleanup, when that is done go to the Tools tab and defragment. Defragmenting doesn't technically give you more space as much as it moves fragments that were taking up extra space. You can get some reasonable gains from it.
  22. I have a friend getting charged with this right now. Among other things, he will probably be outcast from society and put in prison with rapist and murderers. He just got a picture message sent to his phone.
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