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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. kubuntu is just ubuntu with KDE for its desktop environment. If he wants to start using linux hes made a good choice. But he will go back to windows, or at least have it installed on his drive still.
  2. I want an I7 now... My q6600 has been loyal but is blown out of the water by that..
  3. Saw that on Steam News. Fucking incredible. I'd totally love to see a full length movie if it was of that quality.
  4. That, along with the facts in the video, was pretty damn cool.
  5. I couldn't resist eating some of it out of the bowl I had it in. But honestly, even after thoroughly washing the car, the stuff that I was able to pull from the trim was nasty. I'll probably be doing this again in the spring to get all the salt out of the trim.
  6. Should of shot at the car more. What would have taken to disable the car?
  7. Wonderful camera work.. I don't even know where I would begin if I had a camera that powerful.
  8. I wish they would add more Metallica to Rock Band. Guitar hero just sucks compared to rockband anyways. However, that does look fucking sweet.
  9. Like 8 years ago, I was on Nickelodeons Slime Time Live along with my Brother. It was me and a kid vs my brother and the kids brother. We had to toss pancakes to each other in giant frying pans. My brother won and ended up getting slimed. We still have the shitty electric keyboard he won. In 5th grade my class was in a commercial for 10TV. Then there was the school sports stuff that was on ONN. Then most recently was a short thing that showed me and 2 other kids in my business/entrepreneurship class receiving plaques from chamber of commerce for creating the best business plans and presentations.
  10. What are the wheels currently on it? I might want them.
  11. http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2008/02/frankenstang_autoblog_1.jpg http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2008/02/frankenstang_autoblog_2.jpg http://www.blogcdn.com/www.autoblog.com/media/2008/02/frankenstang_autoblog_33.jpg http://www.swiftcc.net/images/CIMG5242.JPG http://www.swiftcc.net/images/CIMG5246.JPG http://www.swiftcc.net/images/CIMG5253.JPG That transmaro is easily the best looking thing in this thread.
  12. Thats St. Maarten! I went there about 5 years back and YES! My brother and I held on to the fence across the street from the beach and you would WAVE LIKE A FLAG. Then you realize that a jet engine is like a massive hairdryer and you get very hot very fast. Honostly that was one of the coolest places I had ever gone. The planes landing above you on that beach is absolutely amazing.
  13. Hes protecting the border on HIS property because the government won't do it, and hes getting sued by people trespassing on his property and illegally crossing the borders. Makes perfect sense.
  14. unfunnyryan

    dvd rom help

    VLC Player is free and will play any video format you can imagine.
  15. I fucking hate when white people knock on my door.
  16. That is by far the ugliest truck I've ever seen.
  17. You should of opened the door with the gun drawn so he would learn his lesson..
  18. I have a USA Spec unit in my car. It just plugged into the head unit where the 6cd changer would plug in. Works great, allows me to control ipod with steering wheel controls. It cost a little more but I found the steering wheel controls 100% worth it Heres a pic of my setup. Although, the ipods in a different position now. http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/5228/img203cn0.jpg
  19. With the exception of the Hummer, every car on the most ticketed list is an import. With the exception of the Jaguar and Mazda, every car on the least ticketed list is domestic.
  20. A lot of my ex-gfs clothes and stuff that I don't plan on returning to her.
  21. Ipod and find something that connects directly to your head unit. It'll look better and sound better. Check out USASpec. Their site is down right now for some reason but they make a lot of great ipod adapters.
  22. Can't believe it started again..
  23. I just swallowed my gum, then puked it back up.
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