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Everything posted by unfunnyryan

  1. It's okay, I know you don't take challenges from alpha males well. Don't worry, pepe understands your feels. http://i.imgur.com/cTsTt9D.jpg
  2. Sure, lets go stock v stock first and then when I buy unnecessarily unnecessarily tires I can beat you there as well
  3. So it's good to go after some work I'm assuming? I'll take it, but I won't be in Columbus until this weekend.
  4. About 1 and 1/3 hellcats worth
  5. Yeah but far short of the 2000whp it supposedly already made 2 years ago It has never been on a track or another dyno since.
  6. Holy fuck, the stigs exhaust made it into GTA V http://i.imgur.com/grMvk7sl.jpg I meant to post this into the other thread but fuck it
  7. Those ryobis are good units that last. I've rebuilt and replaced parts on my parents twice since it's probably around 9 years old now. Do NOT stray from the suggested oil/gas mix though and it'll treat you right
  8. "shoot me!"=don't get shot "don't shoot!"=get shot I think we're on to something here
  9. That's what he told me. Shame on you Doc, his mother is very nice
  10. I forwarded this to my friend Mazlow, to see if he or any friends wanted it, but apparently he has already rode this for a bit
  11. I always try to piss of the gorillas off the zoo. They never react though. Makes me wonder who really is more evolved.
  12. I already run Subsonic and Plex which are nice, but there is some live tv that I either don't want to download, or rather would watch live.
  13. I had a friend put that he ran a large WoW guild on a resume. Guy interviewing him played WoW and he got the job. And yeah don't fuck with my Zerg micro bruh
  14. I used to play Heroes of Newerth. Left that, got into Starcraft II. Now I'm back to a MOBA. Few thousand games of SC2 really help your MOBA skills
  15. Never heard of that device, interesting. Ever test it over a VPN?
  16. I replace mine once a year. It's only $15 and takes 30 seconds to do on a honda.
  17. How do you like it? I figured instead of paying an assload for cable, for $3 more a month for another box at parents house and stream it to my TV. Any models to avoid? What's bandwidth use look like (have 5mbps up from parents)
  18. I play this, add me on bnet spaghetti#1404 I hope you're good.
  19. http://i.imgur.com/efUgdDO.png "AEEAHHHHHHH.......AEEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"
  20. One is an existing failure, the other fails to exist.
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