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Jizzle Juice

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Status Updates posted by Jizzle Juice

  1. DAMN YOU!!! I sell cars!!!! grrrr
  2. Wish i had the pleasure to meet you in person!! You will be missed!
  3. Yo, you partying for the OSU game at OU?
  4. Customer service paul. Its 13/hr super easy as of now it is...
  5. Customer service. Its called Bioscrip. Its mail to order meds.
  6. I need you to give me a resume so i can turn it in
  7. What up bish!!! I miss you....no homo! haha
  8. ok, sorry but send it to this one...........bclayton79@gmail.com i forgot yahoo is gay at work for some reason as i need to print it off and hand it in. Does it have a valid number on it?
  9. Derek, my ex bought tires from you guys back in april i think and one blew and the other has a slow leak...are they covered or what should she do? I can get the info if you need it. TIA
  10. idk if im going, but if dover gets this durango then im riding with him
  11. shadow cock wtf!!!! where have i been? lol
  12. Your fucking disgusting son!!
  13. A text me! Need prices on mc stuff. 6143973552
  14. why? are you disappointed?
  15. BUY MY IPOD!!!! lol
  16. wanna go look at a couple cars with me??
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