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Jizzle Juice

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Everything posted by Jizzle Juice

  1. EL OH EL!!! You sir are such a dick! But this time three years ago was a hella good time! RIP Jon Linn
  2. Who cares!!! lol. No but really just have the adjusted to point downward. You may not want that but it helps a ton with visibility
  3. May be up for sale not sure. But if the price is right ill sell them. They're Honda Sponsor passes i have 5 total. Lemme know if ya want em
  4. Damn man, thats clean! SS looks good also.
  5. Dont you start with me STEVEN! :fuuuu:
  6. MAy want to explain aboput your DSM's? Pics, specs etc. A lil more about yourself and pics of the SS. This place has changed alot since the last time you were here trust me!
  7. Is this the spawn of harry potter and beiber?
  8. Mike, text me please. 6143973552
  9. Jizzle Juice


    Sweet, they need a app for the iPhone now
  10. Jizzle Juice


    INVITE!!!! Bclayton79@gmail.com
  11. Maybe. We need a desktop for our office area
  12. Awe Thanks guys! lol. No but congrats man on a job well done!
  13. If you look the guy right next to him had his glove in the same spot and could have easily caught the ball. It sucks and that kid will prob hate baseball for the rest of his life. Hope he has a mother to take care of him
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiaeFFDPbW4 SEX!
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aesp8ViZbro Sucks! Being josh hamilton must be the worse right now. I hope he can pull threw this
  16. Paul will no longer be seen just like the man above me
  17. I like exactly what you said there. It puts you in the good graces of parents without asking. Also if you wanna switch it up next week ask the parents this week what and what you cant feed their children.
  18. Queen size frame maybe a big dresser and nightstand. I know i can get them at diff retail stores, but i wanna see what some of you have to offer. Im sure someone has a spare bedroom that may not be in use, or being trsnaferred into something else. Yes ive tried craigs, but majority is shit posted from retailer websites and some is junk that they are asking for too much. Or wanna ull that oh someone is interested in it so come soon! BS. Lemme know what you go thanks!
  19. This thread went for the best
  20. Will do, but im hardly on here.
  21. If cody is at your house Steve i will not attend....
  22. I told you to keep that shit a secret! THE SOCIETY WILL DIS-OWN ME NOW
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