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Jizzle Juice

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Everything posted by Jizzle Juice

  1. Alex i consider yours a more bloodyoranged out... And ant the tuxedo was HAWT!
  2. http://www.superherohype.com/news/articles/167923-the-teaser-trailer-for-the-amazing-spider-man
  3. Wrong! I havent been here since pre 2007 and i've been to more shit than you've posted about. You cant say that everyone 07 and newer need to be deleted, hell most of the newer people actually show up to the events and most of the time give the coordinator's the ideas for some of the events. So im going to need you to rephrase that cause IMO it just sounds like bullshit and a waste of a post # on page 8 :fuckyeah:
  4. Jizzle Juice


    I'm having the same problems as other people
  5. Jizzle Juice


    Searched and got nada
  6. If i go you got room in the goat, or whatever you take?
  7. THIS! When i worked at a independent shop the owner stressed this fact back and forth, he knew he'd gets his ass handed to him if he didnt do it by the book
  8. Mark just posted something check it out
  9. lol. I try and go earlier to avoid the horrid crowds of ignorant people
  10. I agree with you that some people grow up, but you also have to think they're others who haven't yet grew up or even others who have just got the bug. With this being there site i can't say it isn't fair that the newbs or the people who have'nt grown up should get to experience the CR for what it was. But some are led to believe it's more than what the name says or exactly what the name says...... All in all It's there site so they do what they want. I'm here for the gangbang we call life and shooting the shit with everyone else...and also bench racing since i am not worthy
  11. It keeps people like us chatting about it lol
  12. i see your point, but it isnt like someone just thought this up recently. There has been tons of comics on the avengers. So they have a bases unlike the expendables. But i agree a hour and a half isnt enough, were gonna need lord of the rings type of time
  13. Your crazy to even think that'll happen lol
  14. the trailer, and rumor is it's mark ruffalo playing him and lou forigno(sp) doing the hulks voice.
  15. http://chzgifs.files.wordpress.com/2011/07/drinking-with-rage-faces.gif
  16. I <3 u and answer my question!! skateshop/garage. Cookout and beer
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