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Everything posted by Erica

  1. Erica


    Anything going on tonight?
  2. Erica


    skating till 10 for us then we might be out and about
  3. Any plans tonight?? We would be down for coming up around 10ish...
  4. This thread made Lolz!
  5. we be in for a seat at least...may not eat but would love to come say hey!
  6. Totally over twilight! EWW, they are all the same! Now if another Harry Potter book and movie come out, Im there with bells on!
  7. You all should come to Ice Haus tomorrow for adult open skate 10-12. Sean (Crossle) and I go every Saturday.
  8. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!N O V A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!N O V A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!N O V A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7:30ish?
  9. Sean and I are prob going to use her for our wedding cake topper then do cupcakes. MMMMMM so yummmmmmy!
  10. Go through as many houses as you can, get ideas as to what you really like and what you dont. FIxer-uppers are great but be sure that you have that all worked into your budget. At one point Sean had his eyes on a home that literally had standing water in the living room, and a hole in the kitchen, but it had a three car garage and was pretty cheap in a great area. We decided that the money and time we would have to put into it was way over what we would need to make it even worth it. Try to get into somthing that needs paint and little things to avoid being 'house poor'. Last but not least, make sure you and your wife agree and understand what each other want in a house. This way I have no doubt that you guys will walk into the house and just know! We did! Good Luck! P.s. We used a great realtor if you want her name let us know, she was great and very quick on paper work.
  11. We were looking at houses that were electric off of sawmil road. I thought it was a bad idea but no gas bill I guess!
  12. We had fun Doc, thank you!! P.s- The fridge was awesome, great choices!
  13. True!! And thanks Pat, glad she loves it!
  14. Erica


    yumm blue ginger!!!
  15. Erica


    Bd's does sound good! If your lucky...haa
  16. Erica


    bd's is expensive bro...
  17. Erica


    Lets actually get together for food and cruise likes its hotter than heck out in the middle of summer! K!! Dinner atttttt someplace. Im in for city bbq on henderson rd or anything like that. Ideas?
  18. Erica

    saturday 10-8

    Meh bout to roll over to good old HD here in a second. -Crossle
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