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Everything posted by SPL_Josh

  1. ^ Fags bitching about fag carz
  2. The problem is you're focusing on the small.things in life that don't really matter. When I was a kid I bad hopes and dreams. We all did. But over time, the daily grind gets in the way and you miss the things that really matter, even though they are right in front of you, staring you in the face. I think the next time you should ask yourself "Am I on the right track here?". I don't mean to be rude but people like you I really pity. So maybe you can use the few brain cells you have and take advantage of the knowledge I have now given you. Good luck.
  3. 1/4 wave tline 1 10 call it a day
  4. SPL_Josh


    :fuckyeah: Idgaf its a repost
  5. More water with creatine not protein.
  6. Pre 30. Post 56 5000 calorie bulk was taking Pre 46 (carbs were 60) Post 72 (carbs were 84 between shake and banana) 650 calorie inake Strong broscience in this post^ So if eat a steak that's 60-70 grams of protein 20-30 grams is wasted....lol ok. Rate of digestion/absorption will.affect how much you can digest.not strictly a # limit.
  7. Its a slower bpm than normal house music and has baselines with "drops" in them. Already got tickets. Thanks for the help guys.
  8. As title implies . Are there any places in columbus?
  9. SPL_Josh

    Friday 9-9-11

    Better roads in hocking.
  10. SPL_Josh

    Friday 9-9-11

    Drive to hocking hills for some BBQ?
  11. SPL_Josh

    Diet bros

    I will confirm that that fat didn't make me fat...carbs do. 1g Carb=4calories 1g protein=4calories 1g fat=9calories Increasing the fats in my diet also helped me feel full and not straving wanting to eat 24/7. Also on the 2820 diet that was only training days. Off days inwas around 150-175 grams of carbs. Brb clean bulk gaining 1.5lb/week. Dirty bulk could easily do 2+lbs/week
  12. SPL_Josh

    Diet bros

    Well once my shoulders were able to lift I weighed in at 180. (For me going from 250 down to that was like an Auschwitz diet) I got up to 205 in a little over a month. (Muscle memory ftw). I started my cut at 205. I was probably around 19-20%bf, I cut down around 190 then added extra fat to my diet, I then got up to 195 still losing bodyfat. Probably bottomed out this year at 14-15%bf and now on my bulk I'm 212 at probably 18-19%bf. I'm by no means proficient in dieting. I can tell you what I did and how it worked for me. But hell being endomorph I can put size on in no time. Fuck being an ecto, brb eating all the time and still not gaining lol.
  13. SPL_Josh

    Diet bros

    Not sure if this helps but on a 2820 calorie diet (60g fat/250g Carb/320g protein) but I was still able to put on lean mass while losing bodyfat. And have strength gains. Yes 320g on protein is an excess but with lower carbs I wanted to see if I could still build muscle. Most of what I've read online said it wasn't possible.
  14. Brb bulking for winter Brb eating whatever I want brb strength and size gains U jelly?
  15. Is that battery in the hatch a secondary? Is it fused or on an isolater?
  16. Cookie cutter box designs do not take vehicle acoustics into effect.
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