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Everything posted by SPL_Josh

  1. I will be here for the audio portion. Hi haters
  2. Lol @ port area. What the fb of the enclosures or the vb?
  3. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1831341&stc=1&d=1242858412
  4. I should be there Friday. If you wanna meet up there Nick.
  5. How do y'all feel.about this split... Monday deadlift/back Deadlift/rack pull/dl+chains/deficit dl-- rotate variation weekly. 5x5 Stiff leg or hyperextension + weight 2x12-15 Recently I've been doing German volume training for lats/upper back and its been working well 10x10 50% 1sec neg, fast pos. Finish with t-bar 2 sets 12-15 Tuesday shoulders/traps/tri's OHP 3 sets 8-12 or 5x5 Dumbbell press 3x8-12 or 5x5 (opposite of ohp ) Dumbell shrugs 3-4 sets of 18-20 (would do 8-12 but Pshack only has 140s ) front felt raise 45plate 2-3sets of 12-15 Reverse grip Tri on ez curl bar 3x8-12 Rope Tri 3x12-15 Wednesday rest/eat /recover Thursday legs Alternate between main exercise atg squat/box squat/hack squat/soley leg press Today's workout... Atg squat 4x8-12 Leg press (pyramid up) 3x8-12 Lunges 2x10 Leg extensions (quad/Ham) 3x15 Calf's Donkey 3x15-20 Standing (weighted) 3x15-20 Friday chest/bi's if I workout biceps (fuck.bi's train tri's ) Alternate main lifts bench/block bench/bench+chains/floor press/dumbbell Flat bench 5x5 Inclined dumbbell 3x8-12 Weighted dips Bw +90 2x8-12 Upper chest fly on cable 3x12-15 Hammer curl 3x12 Ez barl curl (would do straight but left wrist is phuked) 3x12-15 Burnout on pushups 1xbw Saturday if I lift so far 50% average Ab's /plyometerics Misc ab b/s Box/vertical jumps 5x10 Any insight is helpful. Carb intake is around 250-270 yea I know its low Protein intake is arouns 290-320- only 84 from shakes 1 b4, 2servings immediately after workout, but still eat a steak or chicken breast within 1hr of workout. Thanks in advance.
  6. You need that cell tech brah
  7. I no haz Fab skillls Except when I need something built. :lolumad:
  8. Be racers...stop on 71, annoy others motorists, race then proceed to flee from cops, spend stupid money on HP related items. Listen douche you can go fast ill just be loud and annoy You. Idgaf
  9. Why not, Meade knows his truck isn't half What it should be. Fine a recent termlab video...you wont because his truck doesn't hit the numbers it should. All he does is impress people who haven't heard a real setup. People are are loud. Pipo Steve Mick Mike Singer Hank veach Be steve meade have 4 $1000 subs with 10-15k+ power and hit a 155-56 be josh have 4 cheap 18s only 4k power and hit 154
  10. No something loud is Steve micks astro van. It ripped the door in half.
  11. Did not watch, but I bet its Steve Meade's Tahoe. Shits old as the internet That truck isn't even loud for all the equipment in it.
  12. Gape takes dicks to the face on the daily
  13. Its a smaller organization from what I gather. (World natural powerlifting federation. I wanna do an Ipa meet eventually) Numbers I'm shooting for are Bench: 275--done 305-310 in the gym, but touch and go Rep Squat: pathetic I know but 275. Box squat 500 but I get weak going ATG. I find it easy to go past parallel then to focus on stopping at parallel. Deadlift: 495-500. Done 500 in the gym multiple times so I'm confident in this lift.
  14. Be CR don't care bout fitness, make forum for photography
  15. Alpha^ Beta^ Beta phaggot is beta phaggot. Meh I'm just bored, no trolling the Bb.com/misc board
  16. Yes because driving a "09 swagger wagon" or whatever you wanna call it isn't an act of faggotry. Sorry I'm gonna go do.something usefully while you sit on your lazy ass. You ain't trolling hard enough, so try again you cum dumpster. bertstare.jpeg
  17. Unathletic ppl :lolguy: Beta phaggots Be josh be alpha:fuckyeah:
  18. Hal, I get off work at 3:30. I'll take you up on the offer.
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