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Posts posted by BigOxley

  1. ok, several questions... first, I keep hearing the term free electric thrown around... What are you talking about? If you run a server and have it running high CPU / GPU all the time, it's going to draw more power. Also, there's some posts talking about hearing about the next big thing to invest in. How do you know or even hear about what it's for?




    Some people "mine" for coins. Think of it as mining for precious metals. They use their computers to do this. I don't know specifics, as I don't do it, but the theory is if you have free electric to run the computer.


    Next big thing is anyone's guess.

  2. What alt coins are you guys getting into? Neo? TenX?


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    A co-worker made $200k from a $7.5k from NEO, but I think the bubble is over. I think Ethereum is going to be the next Bitcoin, so it's probably a "safer" bet.


    A bunch of us got in Electroneum (not trading yet). One buddy likes CVC and ARK.


    I have some money in DNT

  3. To be honest you're right but that doesn't mean it hurts resale value and expands the options for people that have no interest in owning a midwest car due to salt.




    Just FYI, places like Carmax will only give you wholesale price for your car if you've had it rust-treated. At least what they told me.

  4. Presser today was weird:


    Kept calling Paddock the "suspect" and not the shooter

    Still combing over 1000 pieces of evidence

    Timeline is now back to the original

    No independent press allowed

    Shifted focus to first responders

    *crocodile tears* (Rouse slithering in background)





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  5. IMO Most likely the casino was trying to keep it under wraps as much as possible initially.


    I think what a lot of people don't understand is that these casinos will do almost anything to stay out of negative spotlight. They are known to get people who overdose and are dying off of their property so they don't have the negative media on them. They all fight so hard for customers most of the rooms are empty most of the time unless its during peak season or a conference. The last thing they need is someone saying "lets go to (any of the 20+ other casinos on the strip) because Mandalay had that shooting"


    I would bet it's an un-written policy to "handle it" in house and at the time they didn't realize the scope of the situation until it was too late.


    TL : DR

    The mob runs that fucking town.... lol




    If/when MGM starts getting sued, all hell is going to break loose. They are going to dump every bit of information that shows they weren't at fault or negligent and some Alphabet agency set it all up

  6. So anyways...... what I don't understand is why so much of the information from shooting is now be retracted by other information. If the security guard was shot before initial firing began on the concert, why were police not already on the floor before the shooting started? Did the guy just not think to call 911 or have the hotel send in help? In a casino in Vegas, I find it hard to believe a shooting on one of their floors goes silent for X amount of time.


    There are some holes in the story and I'm sure there will be more to come of it.




    Not to mention, there is no listing on a public accessible registry of security workers in Nevada for a "Jesus Campos"


    There is a Larry Jesus Campos that popped up 4 hours after the initial search.


    Weird either way.... Either someone scrubbed the list after the shooting or Jesus was never on the list.

  7. http://freedomdaily.com/shocking-vid-2nd-shooter-just-accidentally-leaked-exposes-massive-media-coverup/


    So this just surfaced, its not definitive but first conspericy about a cover up.




    Las Vegas PD said there was only one shooter "in the room." Nothing about any outside. There is also body cam video of a bullet coming through a tarp from INSIDE the venue.


    0:05-0.06 of this video. You see something go through the tarp towards MB that comes with a loud bang

  8. A professional agency can have that place logged and laser diagramed within a few hours. Zero reason to leave it in that condition, especially when you have Paps roaming around


    Huh, "Bild Exclusive / Polaris" isn't any official agency I've ever heard of.





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