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Posts posted by BigOxley

  1. Back to Tinder I go (actually probably Bumble, I hear Tinder is on it's way out).


    Broke it off with the other girl after 7+ months. Just wasn't right long term.


    Got drunk as fuck Friday night and things got weird with a co-worker...and I'm in HR. Now I'm walking on eggshells hoping none of the other 8+ co-workers who saw say anything.


    I fucked up.




    Sorry to here that. Drunk BigOxley can be a little "handsy" too.


    I recently got back on and found a nice little redhead on Bumble. Cute, petite, 25yo (i'm 37), bubble butt, and a nice family (with a lake house).

  2. Of course it's the Kitchen, which is why you're allowed to post.


    I'm the one bringing up the fact that conspiracy theories make you look ridic.




    About the pizza/pedo-gate stuff, if even 2% of the story is true and kids are getting kidnapped/abused, im willing to talk about it. There is a black market for child sex, people who think there is not are willingly ignorant. Am I going to put a bullet in Comet Pizza's floor? no, I'm not

  3. I'll ask a favor: Lay off the conspiracy theories until something these guys put online actually happens.


    In the meantime, you guys look like morons for believing anything posted on 4chan. Plus, shame on you guys for saying recent suicides are tied to people being involved in child porn without proof.




    Is this not the kitchen?


    As for Cornell and Bennington, they were close friends. The rumors are that they were trying to fight child sex abuse and may have gotten too close, not that they were abusing children.


    "In 2012, he and his wife set up The Chris and Vicky Cornell Foundation, which advocates for vulnerable children and works alongside other organisations to raise awareness and support for those facing homelessness, poverty, abuse and neglect."

  4. FBI-Anon is back posting as well. Saw something else about a 48 hour window for people to go public or turn themselves in for involvement in a high level pedo ring. There was also a federal lawsuit filed by the whistle blower who discover federal judges, trump, and public was being illegally wire tapped. Good or bad, the next few weeks is going to be entertaining.




    The pedo stuff was from Swordfish, I think, and focused on the entertainment industry.

    Weird rumors swirling about Chris Cornell and Chester Bennington, Bennington being abused himself (and looks like a clone of Podesta)

  5. My opinion that your opinion is shitty carries no more or less merit than your shitty opinion.





    Way to jump to a conclusion from a 30 second clip that takes things out of context. Yo know what else is bad? condemning an entire entertainment industry on the basis of a heavily edited clip of a movie you haven't seen. Maybe the movie covers it, maybe it doesn't, maybe this movie is portraying police in a bad light, maybe it doesn't....that's not the entirety of the entertainment industry. Way to say a big fuck you to all the TV shows and movies that don't portray police in that way. According to your flawed thinking the whole of the world's movie industry is pro Nazi because Bruno Ganz played a sympathetic Hitler in "Downfall". Be serious.





    Again, still not representative of the industry.


    Every movie may have a message, but again whatever the message is doesn't stand as singularly representative of an entire industry.


    You want to say all of "hollywood" is anti-law enforcement then prove it. Go ahead. I will wait while you prove an entire industry, that also suffered under censorship under the hays production code that prevented negative portrayal of police for 30+ years, is somehow completely biased against law enforcement. I'll wait.





  6. WTF?!?, seriously?!? the movie has fairies and orcs and shit in it and you are bitching because of some made up nonsense about an anti police Hollywood slant?


    Also aren't the two good guy protagonists LEO's?


    Go home, you're drunk.



    That movie looks awesome. Netflix has been churning good stuff lately and it's getting better. I'm kinda excited to see Ozark with Jason Bateman too.




    Oh, I forgot your opinion is the only one that counts.


    1. Smith's character says he "fine" with partnering with the orc. Insinuating that other racist (orcist) officers won't or refuse to. Organizational racism is bad mkay


    2. Officers standing around the wand debating on whether or not to steal it. Smith, the good guy, is the only one that says no. One officer out of a room of officers is the only one who shows integrity.



    Most every movie has a message, even ones with orcs, fairies and shit.

  7. I wonder if there's going to be a point where a person in the couple gets a extremely low paying full-benefits job, so that the family covers health insurance. That seems nuts to me and I'm sure it happens, but when/if it becomes widespread



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  8. Carport is at Estes lot in Columbus, for final delivery to mah house. Unfortunately, it's palleted and weighs 1500lbs. Absolute Steel didn't accomodate residential delivery with a Lift-back truck... :ugh:


    If Estes has to charge me extra for a lift-back delivery, is there anything I can do to get it off the truck myself? I can't think of any way to move 1500lbs off a truck...




    Engine hoist and some big ass straps?

  9. I'm really curious to see what a clean, lower mileage Hellcat is valued at in 20-25 years.




    I'm curious what the general classic car market will be? I feel like we are the last car enthusiast generation. Might be a car dump in 20-25 years when the boomers start dying off en masse??

  10. IMO the Government is responsible for 3 things...


    -Keeping us safe from foreign threat (Military and Defense)

    -Enforcing law (particularly just violent crimes or crimes that endanger other citizens)

    -Protect the constitutional rights of US Citizens



    What else should the Government be responsible for, honestly? We should pay a tax to be protected but other than that, stay the fuck out of my life.




    I like interstates and national parks

  11. Bed frame, dresser/mirror, night stand. Purchased from Value City about 9 years ago. Dresser and night stand top are rough but not bad. Bed frame has some scratches, head board is clean.


    Would make a great set for a kid going to a college apartment


    Text 614-309-1376






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