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Everything posted by Patterson

  1. Patterson

    New guy

    As usual, Doc delivered.
  2. Looking good. Something about that IRS pic gives me the Meat Sweats.
  3. I didn't even get that far. Discovery getting a jump on shows down there clearly. Their focus groups are misfocused.
  4. Blah, I have no time for subtitles. That and the haggling with the old man over the Impala was too much akin to those idiots on Fat and Furious.
  5. Can somebody show Clay how to give us the money shot?
  6. The man was spittin' the truth. CR just couldn't handle it.
  7. You guys need to take this to the Kitchen...
  8. You bunch of mean spirited people. Shame shame shame.
  9. The collective powers of members minds willed it to fail.
  10. If it wasn't for CR, and this thread, CTD would have been huge...
  11. Patterson

    Audi 3.2

    As with any VAG product, proper maintenance will net you many years of happiness.
  12. Baer will have the brackets for the calipers. If it's the factory 7.5, not without a lot of fabrication. The factory 8.2 is marginally stronger anyway.
  13. I started a GoFund account for Shanton as a joke to help him get a woman. It raised like 70 or 80 dollars. Point being people will give to the cause regard of what it is. If he "beats" them, whomever gave money will relish in the fact they helped.
  14. You're a man of class and a definitive taste for the refined. Escalade.
  15. Look at MSR 144. It just so happens I know a guy.....
  16. http://www.meganracing.com/product_detail.asp?prodid=1227&catid=44 These and a set of KYBs, then ride off into the sunset.
  17. CR needs to do something like this.
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