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Everything posted by Patterson

  1. Clay, I don't know of anyone else who is better suited to head this up other than you.
  2. Not of this Country? I thought you were from Nebraska.
  3. Dearth Emma' car. To say no expense was spared would be an understatement.
  4. I was going to say Toyota owners. However, I'll give it a toss up to Honda owners as well
  5. My thoughts exactly. It's still a Chrysler. I do like the looks of it though.
  6. Indeed, Happy Birthday to the King of CR.
  7. I would be down for a group purchase.
  8. Patterson


    Where is a decent place to get .22 Ammo? I would have never thought it would be that difficult to obtain.
  9. That would make for a great Holiday game.
  10. Cheques? Going Canadian Clay? I'm with Clay on this one. Priorities will dictate your situation.
  11. I dig it. Please resist the urge to cage, and drift it.
  12. Bill is a sechsy bitch. I've dealt with him before, excellent service.
  13. Andy or Ryan will take good care of you. Both are experts when it comes to rubbing one out.
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