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Everything posted by Patterson

  1. One can dream.... And wear undersized suits Wear ugly shoes Be tacky in general.
  2. Let the man build his damn car. It'll be ready in two weeks.
  3. Oh dear god. Here comes the "I'm not a hack" discussion/meltdown again.... Lemme get my Ink Pad.
  4. I would honestly say its a three-way race between Thorne, Paul and, and yourself for grammar.
  5. You can't bitch slap anyone with a mushroom stamp on your head.
  6. The Scummit would Buttfuck every one in this thread in the mouth. Carry on Bitches
  7. I'm sick right now looking at this. I want another one.
  8. You pussies... http://p.twimg.com/AtFgPJ9CIAAp9Lf.jpg:large
  9. Is that a Straight Line Promotions event?
  10. My contract is up with Sprint at the end of the month. Seriously considering leaving them. Pisses me off I can't get reception at my Condo in the middle of Worthington.
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