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Everything posted by Patterson

  1. I read this post out loud to my dog. He sat there for a second as if he was attempting to process why he had just heard. He proceeded to lick his bawls and them moved on. Moral of the story? If you ask nicely he may let you do it as well.
  2. If you're open to it, look at Corbeaus. We can get you a good deal on them at IPS.
  3. http://assets.diylol.com/hfs/f1f/077/437/resized/anti-joke-chicken-meme-generator-what-do-you-get-when-you-cross-a-rooster-with-a-telephone-pole-ouch-5b990b.jpg
  4. http://assets.diylol.com/hfs/f1f/077/437/resized/anti-joke-chicken-meme-generator-what-do-you-get-when-you-cross-a-rooster-with-a-telephone-pole-ouch-5b990b.jpg
  5. http://assets.diylol.com/hfs/f1f/077/437/resized/anti-joke-chicken-meme-generator-what-do-you-get-when-you-cross-a-rooster-with-a-telephone-pole-ouch-5b990b.jpg
  6. http://slaymyboredom.files.wordpress.com/2012/03/chicken-anti-joke-fat-mum.jpg?w=580
  7. Patterson


  8. 3000 actually. On a lighter note, the Veyron is simply wicked. I would rock one in a heart beat.
  9. Patterson


    I see nothing wrong with PM'ing a person and letting them know they are too high. Publicly calling them out in a FS thread is strictly forbidden. That doesn't mean you can't make a thread in the kitchen for all to see. I understand your point. When people are asking Retail or close to retail for used stuff.
  10. Patterson


    Somewhere an English Teacher is cutting themselves.
  11. You'll always simply be a Ginger with a sweet Supra.
  12. Um, how else are you going to get the Bellhousing off?
  13. That works, make sure he asks for me. No worries with him having the Tires shipped here.
  14. :dumb: but true. We do offer 15% Labor discount for CR members. Just saying...
  15. http://i.imgur.com/2bC8e.jpg
  16. http://t.qkme.me/3oispe.jpg
  17. http://cdn.memegenerator.net/instances/250x250/18210354.jpg
  18. Going live tonight Gents. http://www.beardlife.bigcartel.com/product/bearded-veterans
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