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Everything posted by Patterson

  1. What A/R is the Exhaust Housing?
  2. :lolguy: Facebook, Hub Caps, GTO's LOL
  3. Firebird, Passat, Yukon, Mustang, Camaro, GTO, Audi, DSM, LOL
  4. http://hub.webring.org/media/content/47688263
  5. Thankfully I sold it.
  6. LOL, one of the few in town that isn't....
  7. I'd say that was Sean. Newlyweds ya know. Honestly I say good for the O.P. this should be one of three of the greatest moments in their lives. The others are the Wedding Day, and the birth of their first child. If not having children, then the day the divorce is finalized.
  8. I always knew Sager was kind of a creeper.
  9. http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7114/7421545126_d83540d10a_c.jpg http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8152/7421539978_62e236e31a_c.jpg
  10. Welcome Danny. Good to see you here.
  11. http://www.getbig.com/boards/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=418390.0;attach=460514;image
  12. http://media.comicvine.com/uploads/10/109372/2105940-baraka.jpg Baraka Obama Approves of this thread.
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