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Everything posted by ForeverMaker

  1. No power here in gahanna. Posting from my iPhone.
  2. started today.. got a pull-up bar, the weight-gainer protein powder, a mat, and pulled the weights out of the closet. I was pacing myself pretty good but at about 50 mins in my body started to give up. will be keeping at it though. figuring a few weeks to gain some decent stamina.
  3. It's actually a Cobalt meet but all makes/models are welcome. Seriously. Domestics, imports, whatever. At the moment there are 54 cars signed up to go, and 14 on the maybe list. This meet happens twice a year and is consistently pretty large. So if you want to come out to a meet with a ton of cars before the snow hits this is it. People actually come in from Canada and surrounding states. Details: When: Saturday October 4th, 2008 1pm Where: Sharon Woods Park http://www.metroparks.net/ParksSharonWoods.aspx 6911 Cleveland Ave.,Westerville, OH 43081 Link to Google map Part of the group last fall: http://lh4.ggpht.com/mudcrutch/RyO90VfrBAI/AAAAAAAAB4k/_bebWOdWhXg/s800/DSC02203.JPG
  4. Avoiding going out so I do not run into any annoying fans.
  5. I dunno man... playing with dolls? Odd choice considering your other weekend activities.
  6. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=55496 with pics: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/09/11/BAOD12S9S2.DTL&tsp=1
  7. Nice pics.. that sticker has got to go though..
  8. http://lh3.ggpht.com/mudcrutch/SMp67o9mj-I/AAAAAAAACsk/h5ujz6yYCwA/s800/hand.jpeg + http://lh6.ggpht.com/mudcrutch/SMp6_ByfXQI/AAAAAAAACss/o7yyj-3WoPk/s400/tbox.jpg = The best Friday, Saturday, Sunday ever.
  9. Nooo.. all those "for..." plates are lame.. I cringe every time I see them. and I suppose I cringe whenever I see my own plate so do not take advice from me.
  10. We barely get any snow here. Everyone on the road freaks out if flakes are seen and their driving turns completely retarded. Avoid 270 or any main roads if it snows because you will run into traffic due to accidents. The city also doesn't know how to keep the roads clear. They completely saturate everything with liquid salt but barely have enough plows.
  11. Well my wife is a teacher so she has a great schedule.. and we have another dog, large deck and backyard, and an invisible fence. So if she is also interested I will get back with you in a few days. Thanks.
  12. Pics would help. I am looking for a 2nd dog.
  13. ok I got the 7GB version. Was looking through everything and it seems pretty intense. I gotta pick up some of the correct food and supplements and I will give it a shot.
  14. Good God, a chick that is into cars AND computers? Getting... very... dizzy...
  15. I will go ahead and help him out... http://lh6.ggpht.com/mudcrutch/SMF5QG0kg0I/AAAAAAAACsA/ZXtCsmXOqrA/s800/cocky.jpg
  16. From his myspace: "I'm not sayin you can't race, I'm sayin you can't win!" Car pics, wedding pics, etc: http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewAlbums&friendID=186825599 Jackie the bridesmaid..
  17. Ha, while true, not what I was referring to.
  18. I had a quarter-life crisis at 26. I always thought stuff like that was a myth. I did some dumb things.
  19. I dropped the price a bit. Will be around all weekend if anyone wants to check it out.
  20. holy crap I am seeing one torrent for this weighing in at 44GB.
  21. Good ol' Groveport. Sorry man.
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