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Everything posted by ForeverMaker

  1. I am in Dublin but I charge quite a bit for SUVs.
  2. full vid https://sendvid.com/p5n3rcwb :nws::nws::nws::nws::nws::nws::nws:
  3. whoa the camera briefly catches the shooter. creepy... http://i.imgur.com/q8V6hFU.png
  4. never heard the commercial. now I have learned about it thanks to you. I forgot I haven't taken the kids there yet this year. now it is on my mind and I will probably buy tickets. survey says... effective.
  5. I was watching this yesterday. Crazy. The controversy is the leader, Sage Karam, is a very young rookie that was in the lead and spun out of control without getting hit by anyone and the debris from his car hit Wilson. Pocono is a fast track and several other veterans spun out on their own as well.
  6. If Chevy messes up the pricing on the new Camaro I am going to look at these hard in the Spring.
  7. City response and conclusion to this epic drama...
  8. For me the upgrade from 7 --> 10 went ok. There were just some odd things like sometimes certain control panel windows wouldn't open all the time. A reboot would always fix it. So I created a install usb using the tool from Microsoft and did a fresh install. Activated with no problem and it runs fine. Would recommend if you are a tinkerer but not on a machine you need to do work on. Definitely go through all settings and disable everything you don't need.
  9. the new mustang verts with the top up look goofier than normal for some reason.
  10. Huntington Bank (and probably most banks) can quote out all that from multiple sources.
  11. I used to offer that but I prefer to focus on paint correction/interiors mainly.
  12. Yea a lot of stuff is from vendors and not amazon.
  13. If you submitted a 311 request it should be on the map and you can track the progress with your case number: http://citygis.columbus.gov/coc311map/ If you didn't submit a case... lol.
  14. how much does your paint look like the first photos? how much do you want the car to look like the last photos? Could range anywhere from $250-$1200 Getting it to 80% correction isn't crazy expensive. It's that last 10-20% where the time involved becomes insane.
  15. Yea common issue. Will need to be re-glued. <--- Or CTD was involved.
  16. ... paint resurrection in this case. Eric picked this up from the brillo pad testing facility apparently. This service was for about an 80% correction with a special blend of herbs and spices that I like to use on black vehicles. Some deep runs and marring remains here and there but the transformation was pretty insane. The hood... yikes. Rest of the car looked similar. http://i.imgur.com/nJJf59Jh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/tAUegbkh.jpg After http://i.imgur.com/Oh2iQFrh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/8seoOpDh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/UnwNQNnh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/qlF3xC3h.jpg http://i.imgur.com/UzOoQNeh.jpg Looking forward to working on this car again!
  17. Comment is still showing. Someone just replied to it. You have to "View more comments."
  18. You underestimate how crazy homeowners can be. Where I used to live there were speed bumps on a road near us (city installed years ago) and they actually came and removed them so they wouldn't have issues/have to maintain them. Not to say these aren't temporary ones installed (by the city?) but no way the city would be involved and NOT put up some sort of signage.
  19. Submit a 311 request. A city employee will be assigned the case and have them removed: https://311.columbus.gov/SR_List.aspx The city of Columbus does not install or maintain speed bumps last I heard so they will probably take them out.
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