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Everything posted by cremean

  1. This is a friend of mines car. He traded an Xbox 360 for it. It was already fairly beat, so instead of trying to dump a bunch of money into it and fix it up nice and purty and all OMGWTFJDMBBQ, he made it into what you see here. Enjoy. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3193/2973827674_960b852196_o.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3159/2976356561_3124fbb338_o.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3162/2977279398_f56717327a_o.jpg http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3157/2977180750_914808335e_o.jpg Any and all comments (positive & negative) are appreciated.
  2. Actually, I want the housings and everything. Was thinking I would like to replace the flip-ups on my car.
  3. cremean

    Mac People

    MacBook PRO Multi-touch = w1nsauce Or, buy a cheap Dell and Hackintosh that shit. I have a Vostro 1700 that's basically the equivalent of a MacBook Pro for half the price.
  4. I take no credit. I stole it from someone else. Who makes your bell housing adapter?
  5. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v601/scotrn/Img_2094.jpg Good work.
  6. I'll help. He's this guy: http://www.buschurracing.com/images/422-10.jpg http://www.buschurracing.com/images/jarrod-evo1.jpg http://www.buschurracing.com/images/jarrod-evo5.jpg http://www.buschurracing.com/images/422-8.jpg http://www.buschurracing.com/images/422-5.jpg C'mon Jarrod, you have to make a better intro. These dudes are ruthless.
  7. Jacobs likes little boys. Ask him how he fares heads up with a certain white Evo? You're nothing without VHT and slicks, bitch! :gtfo:
  8. http://www.hondaeasttoledo.com/new_vehicle_detail.asp?veh=22046&pov=994964 :leghump:
  9. http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c374/mcremean/failroad.jpg
  10. Lol...no no no... FINDLAY /thread
  11. Negative. Toledo holds that title.
  12. It's funny. Sounds like an automatic 3.8 with Flowmasters... until he puts his foot in it. The car used to be a supercharged mod motor. I know he put an assload of time and money into the original powerplant, and if I recall, broke a cam and fucked a lot of things up. I think the sick, twisted folks at Accelerated Performance talked him into the swap. And why not? Now he can roll race like a champ AND get traction.
  13. cremean

    canker sores

    Used to get these all the time as a kid. Best thing you can do is wet your fingertip, dump table salt on it, and invade that mother fucker. Hurts like a bitch, but kills the bacteria in there. Dose it a couple times and it will heal by itself. Any by all means, do the Listerine, brush frequently, etc etc etc to keep it clean.
  14. Something tells me that's bad for business...
  15. Mine has almost 108K, 70k on this shortblock, and over 30K of that with a GT30 bolted to it. Most of my driving is highway, but she gets her share of flogging. Drag, Autocross, the "occasional street encounter", spirited merging... runs like a champ. As long as you drive it, and there isn't anything noticeably wrong with it, I say go for it. If the guy has all the service records with the car, even better.
  16. Ooohhh... teh hemizcar http://www.toledotuners.com/phpBB3/images/smilies/icon22.gif
  17. teh supercrotch eatz pewps http://www.toledotuners.com/phpBB3/images/smilies/poo.gif
  18. I'm gonna go ahead and bump this... Toledo has aids...
  19. Funny you mention that: I'm going out to Vegas in two weeks.
  20. Hi guys, Just wondering if anyone had any good tips or leads to some decent jobs in the area? I'd really love to get out of this dumpster called "Toledo". Columbus is a beautiful place and seemingly bustling with opportunity. Seems like the next logical place to call home. Just as a sample, here's some e-newsletters I've done recently for my current employer: http://hondaeasttoledo.info/matt/april08.jpg http://hondaeasttoledo.info/matt/may08.jpg http://hondaeasttoledo.info/matt/june08.jpg Any help is good help. Thanks!
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