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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. CR is gay because everyone starts threads about how boring CR is now. Go drive your cars, its nice out.
  2. You still work @ discount tire off of sawmill? I live around there and i used to see this car sitting there all the time.
  3. Looks good, just not a fan of those rubber band tires
  4. I dont know if one of those would be able to turn a roller. Let alone will the plastic tires even grab on the roller...
  5. http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2010-02/disconnected Pretty wild, interesting stuff.
  6. This would be handy. Have it go out after so many inchs and bam cleans it all up. Could always have that thing make snow piles in your yard or whatever with that 6 wheel drive so you dont have to worry about it piling up on the side of your driveway. Also, dd anyone else think of battlebots when they saw this thing? That old tv show was awesome. Oh, and when i saw the picutres and it said 50" blade i was like no way... then when i saw the video and its size i was like oh damn.
  7. You can drop thousands on dollars on the body, and have a stock motor, why? You could already have swapped your motor, had some good looking wheels and had it lowered, but no, you went the gay F&F route.
  8. Hold on, im confused by this. Did you not count the very first Celica as a supra too? Because were actually the "MKIII" 3rd gens, but some people see ours as being the second gens, and the generation before mine being the first gen.
  9. Norms was better, had the 2zz in it.
  10. ^ Ben said it best.
  11. Im not even going to acknowledge this. How bout this? http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/Supra-1.jpg Nicks supra is so sexy Wouldn't say so. Its just tasteful exterior mods that we like, not ricing our cars out. Clear turns/side markers look good on some cars, just like smoked tail lights look good on some. Its all about that little touch that makes your car different, not that fucking 3 foot tall wing you got hangin off the back of your car.
  12. Lol what the fuck are you talking about. A. Im done w/ highschool and im in college, B. Im not tryin to pick up lil 15 year olds light some people do in there convertible yellow mr2's with ugly ass body kits. And also, why you keep changing the subject man? I keep talkin shit bout your car, but your not sayin shit back. Stock suspension, stock wheels, some added faggotry with the body kit and wing, and your tryin to call me the F&F imitator and ricer? Get the fuckkkkk outta here. Last time i checked dumping money into the engine and not the body wasnt called ricing a car out, and wait, isnt that the exact opposit of what you did? You bought this "JDM TYTE" convertible mr2 and then slapped a ugly ass body kit on it, went to a highschool and pulled off a section of the bleacher for a wing, and then left your car at stock height/stock wheels, and didnt put shit into the motor, that my friend is the definition of rice. Once you get a car that can beat my moms corolla in the 1/4, get back on here. Untill then, i think this website is more fit for your bitch ass. http://www.ohiocustoms.com
  13. Honestly im done being a prick at the moment. But really your cars wayy to old to be cool no matter how fast it goes (there is no jap muscle cars). You honestly cannot tell me that you would rather have something else to modify. Please do even try to come at with a suspension remarks. Seriously Id much rather rock my boosted 3liter than ur piece of fuckin shit. So do you have problems when trying to get to highway speeds on the onramp with that fuckin lawnmower motor you got in there or what.
  14. oh man that is fucking win
  15. Lexus ur a ass hurt 26 year old man. Makin stupid mspaint pictures to try and make fun of me. Get at me when you get a real car, ill drag whatever piece your rockin all around town and then down the track. Also, 350-400rwhp is a clunker? 18-20psi on a 57trim turbo with supporting mods in a clunker? Beating cars that run 12.5 make my shit a clunker? Get the fuck outta here. Im not clamingi drive a 1200rwhp supra that runs 8's, but i guarntee i could fucking drag your shit around like its nothing. Your sittin there tryin to say im fast and the furious blablabla, look at your fucking car dude. F&F Ricer Body Kit - Check F&F Highschool Bleacher Wing - Check Stock Suspension - Check Gay wheels - Check Need i continue ragging on your piece of shit car that you think you pull mad hoes in?
  16. Its called 270/70/71 and prepared to get walked u cleveland faggot
  17. im positive you could, that 500lbs of faggotry he added to his car isnt helping him any
  18. Ooh yeah talk shit bout my parents boohoo. What, cant think of shit to say about my car? True redneck racer? Im not even driving a domestic car you dumb fuck. Once you get out of your 16 year old, fast and the furious scene, and get a real fucking car that might make more than 125fwhp get back at me. Id love to drag your fucking piece of shit around 270 several times, and dont even try ill bring this or this, cause you know what? Ill go get someone else to race you the, and youll get someone, and blablabla shut the fuck up you faggot ass bitch. Once you get a car thats worth racing, get back at me. Untill then you can sit there and play with your fucking ePeen wishing you pulled in bitches in your faggot ass fast and the furious convertible car. Fuck you bitch and get a life
  19. Throttle cables do get stuck.... It does happen.
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