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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. I got hit for a 76 in a 50 (On riverside by 161, was coming off 161 onto riverside and people were coming from under the bridge so i sped up some, nowhere near 76, to get in front of them, cop comes around the corner and pulls me over) said he got me at 71 but he KNOWS i was going 76 which is bullshit. Went downtown to fight it, talked to the prosecutor and they said it would be dropped if i just paid the court costs etc, to this day i still have that 76 in a 50 on my record and its fucked. The perry township officer (Cant remember who he was) was just being a douche and wanted to write me for 25+ when he even said he got me at 71 (Dont know how when he was driving at me around a corner) but they dont always do what they say they are going too. This was also the first speeding ticket ive ever had. I have one other moving violation from going around a corner and my tires squealed (Didnt do it on purpose or anything) and a apparently there was a cop sitting somewhere and he ran me down through my neighborhood and pulled me out of the car at gunpoint, because i "Didnt stop" for him, when he said he had his lights/sirens on. Total bullshit because i would of noticed lights/sirens and he said i took a completely different street to my court than i actually did. Moral of the story, cops hate young kids in loud SS camaros apparently.
  2. I thought that was interesting too, it was at a angle compared to the strip its self, didn't seem like the best idea. Maybe the complex just didn't have enough room to put it directly behind the strip?
  3. Yeah, that little red opel (I think thats what it was) was really tryin his hardest! He might not of been going as fast as the other cars, but it seemed like nearly every corner he came into he was 3-wheelin it. Dude was on top of his game!
  4. Rally fans will really enjoy this, i know i did. Some of these cars are really flying around these corners! Especially the AWD cars like the Evo's and STI's, and I love seeing that Gruppe B Replica Audi out there, that thing is sweet as hell and is just flying through that course (Im assuming its replicas at least)
  5. After seeing all the cars, my top 3 are probably 1. Mercedes 2. RBR 3. Ferrari
  6. wow!! Good luck with that drive man! When you get home you should let us know where at in Michigan you had to drive too. This is definitely a day that you cant go without heat in your house, for comfort for one and then two so your pipes don't freeze and burst (What a mess that shit is too clean up, been there myself).
  7. Did you see the 500 round test they did with it? They blast through the mag as fast as possible at the end and it looks just like any other gun to me.
  8. Not a problem man. I know you and alex both can do some top notch welds, quality is definitely what you guys do and pride yourselfs on when it comes to your work and it shows, and since everyone was saying how they've used alex and had him do work i figured id throw a little support your way haha. Great thing about you is that your in columbus where alex is nearly an hour drive away for me. I wouldnt hesitate to have either one of you do work for me. Speaking of a custom car shop, whats it called and wheres it located? Any more info on the shop or any pics of some of the work you've done?
  9. Just to put it out there, ive had Tank weld IC piping for me before when IPS when still down by greenlawn and the work was awesome.
  10. Theres still no 6 speed manual available for the diesel cruze? What a waste. Id grab a diesel jetta 6 speed before one of these then.
  11. Wow! 183 ft/lb gain @ 2100rpm! That thing must be a tire frier now!!! This is just making me like these cars even more!
  12. Wow! I like what they did with the nose compared to other racing teams, seems like this one will give additional down force due to the opening on the bottom of the nose. Do you know where the air that goes in the opening comes out at? Also surprised the ends of the front wing isnt curved to help channel air around the tires since the new isnt as wide.
  13. Lost his wedding ring in the snow and he wants to find it before the wife finds out he took it off haha (Least thats my guess)
  14. Came here to post this but it was already posted, heres another video of the rounds. I have a feeling they'll be banned and be illegal real fast.
  15. Does anybody have any 195-55-16s or 16's in a similar size? Thanks! Shane
  16. Holy shit sorry for pic size!!! Not sure how to make it smaller on here!
  17. I want to know wtf this thing is ( http://i.imgur.com/dE8e8F5.jpg ) Deleted the linked picture cause it was HUUUGE
  18. The drive back from the PRI show in Indy to California in a blizzard (At points) in the new LS7 powered crusher Camaro!
  19. Dont know if this will help you or not, guys great @ detailing and has a bunch of videos on his website and youtube that will give you a good idea of what to do / what he does. He also has a bunch of HOW TO PDF's on his website for each video explaining even further what he did/how. His website: http://www.ammonyc.com/videos/ Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/AMMONYCdotcom And he also has a bunch of videos on the /DRIVE channel (Simple search for /DRIVE CLEAN Results : http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=%2FDRIVE%20CLEAN&sm=4 ) Its nice to be able to see how someone does it or why they do it a certain way instead of reading about it. Hope this helps you!
  20. I dont know if this is why, but ive had so many packages delivered to my houes that were supposed to go to my neighbor. Literally 10+ pieces of mail and 5+ packages so far (Starting in the middle of last year when they moved in, but they order a ton of shit, im always seeing packages in front of there house) One time they dropped 2 different packages here they were easily 4ftx4ftx4ft and it took up my entire porch, when i got home and looked at them i realized it happened AGAIN and they were my neighbors. Not sure if its cause of this delivery handoffs but this seems to happen ALL THE TIME now.
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