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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. Hmm... thats good to know at least. I was going to use the Percy Seal-4-good aluminum header gaskets. already bought them. There a MLS soft aluminum gasket. Think ill be good?
  2. He has a job, but having a place and food is more important to him lol. When your 19 its hard to have your own place, etc, support your self on just your income.
  3. Does anyone have those free 7-hour trials for SC2? I let my friend use my 2 but they ran out and he can't afford the game right now, so i was seeing if anyone had some laying around. Each purchased game comes with 2 in the box Thanks Shane
  4. I think your right. From what ive read they do this on some headers to give it more of a bite into the gasket. Granted i think a flat flange w/ a mls gasket would be 5x better than this.
  5. http://i50.photobucket.com/albums/f302/SevereSarz/IMG00410-20100917-0230.jpg My new Hooker 1 3/4" headers, and the flange isnt flat. Should i take them back or have it machined to be flat? The raised Welded? lips are machined flat so... They would matte to the block fine i assume, but then thered be all that space...
  6. Are YOU afraid of heights? http://www.break.com/index/climbing-a-1786-tall-tower
  7. Can't wait till we start seeing these @ halloween stores lmao
  8. damn that sucks.... 6-8 weeks of no batin!
  9. Damn, soudns like you could be down for a while... Sorry to hear that man.
  10. http://www.popmoonwalks.com/popmoonwalks.html Where will Pops moonwalk next?
  11. Damn that sucks... Hope it gets better soon man. Also hope you don't need surgery, cause then youll have to do weeks of physical therapy with it, wont you? Anyways man, hope it gets better soon.
  12. Lol i ment Season tickets, fixed it. Thanks for busting my balls haha
  13. Of course there for sale for $80, the game was saturday.
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