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Everything posted by Fubar231

  1. Whats wrong with kill stories? Two other forums im on have them, granted there national forums and not local forums.
  2. Got like 3 pages in. That was the dumbest shit i have probably ever read on the internet. 3 Pages of people bitching about shit cause no one knows how to pick up a phone...
  3. I think i remember seeing this build online.
  4. This should help http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1743
  5. Me either... Except not ever needing a heater...
  6. Is that the regular SS grill? EDIT: Nvm just saw you wont seperate.
  7. Ok while looking around on the driftfun website i found this. What do you guys think. http://bilder.driftfun.no/d/69998-4/DSC07496.JPG http://bilder.driftfun.no/v/vehicles/HerskerHans/hersker-s13-ls1/album06/rear-turbo/DSC07498.JPG.html http://bilder.driftfun.no/d/70006-4/DSC07498.JPG http://bilder.driftfun.no/d/70062-4/DSC07515.JPG http://bilder.driftfun.no/d/70010-4/DSC07499.JPG http://bilder.driftfun.no/d/70022-4/DSC07502.JPG http://bilder.driftfun.no/d/70366-4/DSC07525.JPG Rear mount IN CABIN turbo? Sounds horrible... I think his work speaks for itsself Coped my post from the RX7 cheap owners thread. Input please... Heres the album http://bilder.driftfun.no/v/vehicles/HerskerHans/hersker-s13-ls1/album06/rear-turbo/
  8. Please give me your thoughts on that car lol, and i put a few more up. Heres the whole albulm. http://bilder.driftfun.no/v/vehicles/HerskerHans/hersker-s13-ls1/album06/rear-turbo/
  9. Ok while looking around on the driftfun website i found this. What do you guys think. http://bilder.driftfun.no/d/69998-4/DSC07496.JPG http://bilder.driftfun.no/v/vehicles/HerskerHans/hersker-s13-ls1/album06/rear-turbo/DSC07498.JPG.html http://bilder.driftfun.no/d/70006-4/DSC07498.JPG http://bilder.driftfun.no/d/70062-4/DSC07515.JPG http://bilder.driftfun.no/d/70010-4/DSC07499.JPG http://bilder.driftfun.no/d/70022-4/DSC07502.JPG http://bilder.driftfun.no/d/70366-4/DSC07525.JPG Rear mount IN CABIN turbo? Sounds horrible... I think his work speaks for itsself (Duct tape roll cage)
  10. http://bilder.driftfun.no/d/136889-4/DSC_7152+_Modified_.JPG Interesting. http://bilder.driftfun.no/d/66808-4/DSC01524.jpg Another with the bumper on
  11. Cars nasty, but that dyno is scary... If you want to call it that. Bet he just runs through the gears and datalogs it all on a laptop.
  12. They have this video on youtube also, saw it a while ago.
  13. Its just how the house is long and flat on the front. With all the windows like that and how your front door has a stoop thing and something over it, just reminds me of a really old (1800/1900s) schoolhouse...
  14. Your house reminds me of a school / church... Good work though
  15. Seems pointless to me. By the time the elites came out they had the RRoD problem fixed, and you already have 120gig hd, do you really need 250? Built in wifi, whatever, thats probably the 1 good thing. Kinect ready, oh boohoo, all regular users have to do when they get it is patch it / install a cd and there xbox's are kinect ready. Wouldn't be worth it imo to go sell your perfectly fine xbox for another one, then having to pay money out of hand for the same thing you already had? I don't get it, unless WiFi means THAT much...
  16. 6 Hours a day everyday for two full years... Not sure if 6x365x2 = 4380 hours is worth a porchse.
  17. Only thing i'd be worried about is if your Going from laptop ---> wireless whatever ---> speakers, while going from laptop to wireless wirelessly, then whatever to the speakers with the fiberoptic, wouldn't you only get the sound clarity thats as good as the wireless part?
  18. Not sure if you can (Some pc's have them some dont) but you could get a FiberOptic Sound cord (Light through sound) and then run it that way. Thats how i have my xbox hooked up to my surround sound. Clearest type of audio ive ever heard.
  19. x2. Never was a fan of body kits myself. Mods list? Turbo etc. Built bottom end? Curious. Swapped motor? Anyways, welcome.
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