I was in from March 27, 1995 to March 26, 1999. Mos 3533 Motor Transport. It is an easy job. Drive trucks. Our moto was. "If we can't truck it, fuck it" I loved it.
Honorable discharge here.
My main reason for getting out was Money. My last full year in was in 1998. I was over seas in Okinawa, Japan (extra money for that) and my wife was back in the United States (extra money for that too). I was and E-4 with 3 years time in service and 1 year time in rank(extra money for both) and I only made 15k that year.
I was married with 2 kids and on welfare while in the marines. I got out and started driving a truck and made 46k my first year out. tripled my income.
If the marines paid more I would still be in. I loved it. I had banker hours with 1.5hr lunch everyday when we were not deployed or out in the field. We ran at least 3 times a week, min. of 3 miles. I didn't like running but I didn't mind it to much. I got to see differant parts of the world and the United States. Places I will never go again.
don't believe the stereotyps about the marines. All the negative shit you here about the Marines are from People that have never been in the Marine Corp. I can gaurantee you this. Ask any Marine if they would do it again and I bet 99% would. The other 1% were shit birds and probably spent most there time in the brig because they were a fuck up.
If you have any more questions about the Marines I will be glad to try and answer them.