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Everything posted by prettyprix

  1. O wow i really like that, you should totally do it. I think you should go with just white and black everywhere too, it would look really cool. After my car is faster, I'm going to make everything blue and black.
  2. I would totally get one of that design
  3. wow, i never met him, but I always loved reading his posts. My roommate would always ask me what the hell I was laughing at. I will miss him.
  4. In. probably, it's close to capital
  5. I know there's some right off of park road, my friend lives there, but i don't remember what they are called.
  6. I was there, I didn't see u tho i don't think. but i don't remember much lol
  7. haha that's funny, it was soo much fun!!!
  8. after you guys go to bw3 u should go to lodge bar cuz my sorority is going there around 10!
  9. kevin, shhh i was trying to be stealthy. jk i really didn't know lol
  10. damn i was hoping it wasn't going to be a repost. "the fact of the matter is i'm pretty drunk right now..." haha
  11. This is amazing, i want to rent a big ass truck and store shit there.
  12. I didn't realize you were a professor at capital, i go there.
  13. actually i'm not sure if they'll b free, but we'll at least get her discount, and not just margaritas then I guess we're playing epic pranks on one of the frats any ideas??
  14. my friend's working at las margarita's soo she is getting us free drinks don't know what i'm doing after that, probably just doing stuff around cap
  15. ooo I'm going to west virginia in a few weeks for a sorority trip...guess what i'm gonna bring back
  16. Everclear is awesome, at least what i remember. I heard from some people one night i was trying to jump on a pole upside down after i had quite a bit, I don't remember it tho lol
  17. Ya hopefully I can do the top swap this summer, I'm going to be soo slow compared to you guys...but I used to be faster than rob lol
  18. Here's his car as of last week: http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2668/36/23/515262593/n515262593_2252744_5725046.jpg http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2668/36/23/515262593/n515262593_2252743_3495664.jpg
  19. http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-sf2p/v216/158/75/647655287/n647655287_1525984_3817.jpg This is my cousin Robert (92SS3908) and I in the staging lanes for night under fire last year. http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v262/155/11/610155986/n610155986_1195540_8363.jpg random ass cement corn... http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2128/36/23/515262593/n515262593_1972821_9748.jpg ZR1 http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v350/224/65/555965601/n555965601_4476981_3177.jpg Cliff jumping! I'm the one in the air
  20. hey Brian, i found your intro there are some pics on the site somewhere i posted of you not going anywhere at hangover nationals lol
  21. Heyy cuz!!!!!! I'll post your engine pics soon, i have to find all of them. I think I have some good ones on my old phone. and Brian, how did I miss you on here???
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