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Everything posted by prettyprix

  1. I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure my plates would be really hard to read from the picture. I have a flat tinted cover inside a curved tinted cover, it makes weird reflections from different angles.
  2. I know my car was right around $200, its 2 door, but its pretty big for a 2 door, it was $40 or so more than my friend's 2 door civic. That was at quality. Its also $40 more if you want the strip at the top of the windshield.
  3. oh ok, there is one right by my house but I can't remember what it is called, i was thinking that might have been it.
  4. Quality did mine and most of my friends, it turned out awesome. Is a to z the place on 161 by linworth?
  5. That's awful! I have a friend who was hit by a car when we were in 5th grade. The guy hit her and another of her friends then ran. She had a concussion, broken leg and arm. I know she got all kinds of money from the guy, and he also got in a lot of trouble for the hit and run. I know she had a lawyer, but I'm not sure on of the details.
  6. Here's more pics http://i377.photobucket.com/albums/oo213/amvogt/HangoverNats1.jpg http://i377.photobucket.com/albums/oo213/amvogt/HangoverNats2.jpg Lulz at the miata http://i377.photobucket.com/albums/oo213/amvogt/HangoverNats3.jpg http://i377.photobucket.com/albums/oo213/amvogt/HangoverNats4.jpg http://i377.photobucket.com/albums/oo213/amvogt/HangoverNats5.jpg There's me! http://i377.photobucket.com/albums/oo213/amvogt/HangoverNats6.jpg He had traction for a second there... http://i377.photobucket.com/albums/oo213/amvogt/HangoverNats7.jpg ...no more traction http://i377.photobucket.com/albums/oo213/amvogt/HangoverNats8.jpg There's most of the people in the group I went with
  7. haha! I'm not the only one! I really have no idea why this bothers me, I'm pretty much one of the most laid back people ever.
  8. It is kind of entertaining at this point...I wish there was still some popcorn left...
  9. It really bothers me when I just have the windows cracked on my car and they're not even. I don't like white socks so I tie-dye all of them. That also makes it so I don't have to attempt to match them. I prefer to go barefoot most of the time but I LOVE SHOES!!! I also like to see if i can follow one fan blade on a celling fan, or watch the white lines on the road when I'm bored. And apparently I look like some stripper named Crystal that works at Sirens...like three people that I don't even know have told me that.
  10. I was crying i was laughing so hard after his first pass!!!
  11. You guys are lucky I can't go, I would beat you all jk
  12. I'll probably have some pictures to put up soon, I wish i have a video of my friend in the miata.
  13. It's probably cuz I was racing a Yukon.
  14. How do you do print screen on a mac?? I just got mine not too long ago and i haven't figured it out yet lol
  15. That was fun, I was gonna come find you guys, I saw the silverado in the beginning but then i didn't really see it later. I was with a lot of people, including the turbo miata that could barley make it down the track and the trailblazer that took 3rd in 4wd. That was my uncle and its his fault i went out second round.
  16. Its $15 to race, I'll be there. I'm going up with my cousins. I'll be racing a Yukon. Is dialing 20.09 for the whole thing, or is it just some event they're having? I've heard both.
  17. only all of us...at the same time
  18. I think it's in salem ohio? pretty sure, gates open at 11 and i think i'm racing the Yukon. I sent you a event thing on facebook that my cousin's gf made.
  19. what do u mean someone posted under your name??
  20. well that was fun for a little bit
  21. Where did it go? it just disappeared
  22. I actually probably will see it, i usually do. I haven't seen the new texas chainsaw massacre tho
  23. You never mentioned the Corvair Triple
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