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Posts posted by cruizin01

  1. couple updates sans any pictures.


    Hand is healing surely but slowly. Therapist says Im doing great. Ill be out of this cast in a week or two. Trying to get my flexbility and strength back. The numbness in my thumb sucks. Makes it sorta useless at the moment.


    My buddy came over last night and helped me get the transmission back in. The truck hasnt moved since the accident. It was very unnerving under the truck again with the trans on the trans jack. But everything went fine with the extra help. I had sent the converter out and had it rebuilt. The guy said it had some "weird" wear. So we'll see if that changes or fixes my vibration at all. I just have a couple small things to finish up and it'll be driveable again. Hoping to maybe swing by the meet at Hoover Saturday.


    Ill post a couple more updates I have in mind for the truck once I have some pictures to show.

  2. Some people do that for allergies. My neighbor growing up always did this, even when there was no virus problem.


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    Understandable. That was not the case with this gentleman. At least according to my friend who watches him cut his grass every week.

  3. I was at a friends house on Sunday. Im watching his neighbor, 80+ year old man push mow his grass in a mask. There wasn't another human within 50ft of him. I wish I could have easily explained to him all the things wrong with what he was doing but, ya cant.
  4. Like this one seen at Highbanks?


    haha, thats a good sized rat snake. I havent encountered any of those.


    The biggest Ive had was about a 5ft water snake that was trying to take over my koi pond.


    My current "pet" is this eastern milksnake that Ive moved several times and continues to come back and hang out. Very gentle and easy going. Im just gonna let him do his thing for now.



  5. I find it comical how scared many of my adult male friends are terrified of spiders. They aren't my favorite and I dont want one on my face but they dont bother me.


    I was always pretty scared of snakes but since our property seems to be a magnet for them they dont even bother me anymore. I took one in the house yesterday to show the wife, she was NOT happy about it. bahaha

  6. Long as it's actually wood and not some type of manufactured compressed wood, then yes, absolutely, can always sand it down or plane it down lightly to get it flat and even. When in doubt, sand it more but always do a small test spot in a more hidden area. Speaking from personal experience. lol


    That is who I was talking about prior. I've gotten to know them decently well and taken all the woodworking classes they offer and I basically just duplicate their finishing methods as their end products are always stellar with amazing attention to detail. They teach you how to do it in their various classes and is also where I get most of my finishing products as it's generally about $10 bucks cheaper per jar vs other places like Woodcraft, Woodwerks or online.


    Thanks, yeah its actual walnut butcher block counters I installed a few years ago during our kitchen remodel. I love the look of them just dont like the upkeep. Looking for something that stays "on" longer and doesn't dry out/ spot as easily. As it is now the areas that dont get regular use are darker in color versus the regular use areas that are lighter and dryer.

  7. Yes, I have used just about all of Odie's stuff extensively but only been at it six months or so which means I haven't seen the longevity much yet.


    That being said, I learned from some of the best in town and they exclusively use Odie's on their products and since they charge and SELL their dining room tables for $5k to $8k and have been for a good number of years now, that indicates to me it has some solid durability for it when properly prepared and applied.


    I do a layer of Odies' Super Penetrating oil, then a layer of Odie's regular oil, then a layer of Odie's Wood butter with appropriate buffing and 24 hour set up time between each layer.


    The super pen is a bit thinner and gets down in the grain really well and seals the base layer, then the regular odie's gives it the normal look and protection of odie's, and the wood butter adds a depth and luster to the whole piece that is just a nice touch.


    I use it on all my projects unless I am doing stain for some reason but I vastly prefer odie's or a natural product vs stain unless I need a specific look. Rubio Monocoat is another finish I want to experiment with a bit as I've seen a lot of other very experienced makers using it a lot but as of yet, I have not used it yet myself.


    Any thoughts on how to prep the counter where some of the wood is dark and "wet" from applications of oil and other spots are dry and lighter from general use. Can I sand it even? Sorry Im not much of a wood guy.


    Urbn Timber uses odies religiously, they stock it at their showroom too. Swing by there place and pick some up


    Oh yeah Ive heard about them. Thanks

  8. Made a small side table to compliment the larger cedar piece. Kept it fairly petite sized as I wanted it just big enough to park a cup of coffee and a book. Any larger and it tends to gather all my kids stuff all over it constantly.


    Half of it here is finished with one coat of Odie's oil (finish I used on both) and half of it unfinished so people could see the stark contrast...



    Looks great. Do you have experience with Odies? Im looking for something for my butcher block counter tops that holds up better than mineral oil based stuff.

  9. Good luck man...the thing I found out about surgery is they fix you back to normal, not what you had before. Normal is good, shoot for what you had but don't be disappointed if you can't do exactly what you did before (i.e flexibility, motion, strength, etc)


    Understandable. Thanks


    Glad to know that you are doing well!


    Thanks Tom!

  10. Just and update on my accident. Had the stitches taken out today and got a look at the incision. Also had a new splint molded up to keep my thumb from too much movement.


    After talking with the dr I found out I cut 3 tendons (2 in my wrist and 1 in my thumb) and cut my radial nerve which they repaired. No nerve damage though.


    Only pain currently is from the incision. The skin is tight and aggravated. Im starting therapy on the thumb once a week. yay..


    be careful out there gents.




  11. Finally assembled the harbor freight dust collector. Trying to get the basement hobby shop together between honey-do projects.d788393ce0e27ef5b4a36d0c14acd913.jpg


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    Nice. I think the main reason I dont do more wood working projects is strictly because I hate the dust. Be so nice to have a dedicated shop with a full on collection system.

  12. That sucks man. Sorry to hear that.


    yep. is what it is though.


    had/have basically no pain after the nerve block wore off so Im happy about that.


    Sorry to hear that, hope the recovery is 100%. Maybe you just needed some forced time to relax, lol.

    Heal up, and I'll just have to vicariously live my classic truck dreams elsewhere for a bit.


    How was the hospital during this mess?


    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk


    Funny you say that, my friends and family have told me it was a sign to just leave $hit alone. They know better, I can't leave ANYTHING well enough alone.


    So when I went to the ER on wednesday there was 1 other person in front of me for about a minute and then I basically walked right in and was seen immediately.


    Yesterday at the Surgery registration area at MCM East it was a ghost town. I was the only person sitting there for nearly a half hour. The surgery prep and post op I only ever saw one other patient. Im glad it was slow that like for me at least. Keep the chance of me getting sick pretty low. The only thing that made me a little nervous was a pre-op nurse had just gotten back from being quarantined with the virus. But Im sure/hope they go through proper procedures. She test twice negatively. So cross my fingers...

  13. welp. had to have tendon repair surgery on my wrist today. just waiting on this nerve block to wear off so I can get some feeling back in my arm. Its like a heavy wet noodle at the moment. Sounds like recovery might be a couple months. ugh. might have to recruit some friends and fam to maybe stick this trans back.
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