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Everything posted by jerrodh

  1. New it was MG5 when this trailer was shown what a year ago. Can't believe people actually thought oherwise.
  2. Yeah I like my FPS'ers on consoles but the PC versions on BF games are so much better. Might be making the switch for this one...
  3. Good price for a popular store like that.
  4. Battlefield 4 looks pretty sick. Not sure if that is actually running on current generation hardware or not however looks like a pretty big jump graphic wise. Might be PS4 spec's. Either way so pumped for this game after COD:BO2 blunder, finally can say I'm sick of that franchise for awhile. http://www.nbcnews.com/technology/ingame/battlefield-4-unveiled-thrilling-17-minute-gameplay-trailer-2B9105284 Full video here.
  5. Anyone know of anyone that does some GOOD quality duracoating at decent prices. For what I am looking to do judging by online prices people are going to quote me on $350-$500 for painting the following. Going to be wanting a camouflage pattern more than likely multi-cam or digital undecided as of now. Really want quality here so unless you have proven results in your home shop looking for professionals... Stock Optic 2-3 magazines Scope Mount Any leads would be appreciated. Plenty of them out there online but if I can find someone local that be nice. (Local to me is in state FYI).
  6. Get a Hex Receiver, all the cool kids have them.
  7. Love this video. Love all like all the Cops in the neighborhood stop by just to see whats up too. And "Lenny" shakes every one of their hands immediately haha. :lolguy:
  8. Anyone going to comment on how awful and lame the video was. Besides the notion that the guy did little to really help this girl or anything the video was just plan bad. He didn't go above 25mph the entire video. And the reactions are no different than when you see a Lambo or Ferrari parked at Easton big deal.
  9. Playstation has some good deals going on now.
  10. I have the Midway USA bag that is probably the same exact bag just Midway "brand". But I second a bag like this. So much easier to go in and out of the range as you can shoulder the bag and have your hands free. Much more pockets, etc. for separation. If I was going to be traveling or shipping a gun pelican of course. But range trip is all about the bags.
  11. You can't fix stupid. Probably could have killed said snake easier with a pillow. Feel bad for the snake but least he got the last laugh.
  12. :fuckyeah: Thats pretty quick.
  13. Bump will do $225.00 + Shipping
  14. Unless he isn't following the rules it's a NFA gun. And if he isn't following the rules I really would think someone wouldn't be as stupid to post pictures of it on the internet but you never know. NFA grants you access to SBR's (Short barreled rifles), shorter shotguns, suppressors, full-auto, etc.
  15. Says indoor and outdoor, I've always used it outdoors at all entry ways, windows, doors, etc. This stuff is legit. Had a ton of spiders coming in during the fall one year, hit the apartment with this stuff haven't had a problem sense. Been using it for years just to keep it up. http://www.walgreens.com/store/c/raid-max-bug-barrier-spray/ID=prod6025161-product?ext=gooHousehold_PLA_Indoor_Pest_Control_prod6025161_pla&adtype={adtype}&kpid=prod6025161&sst=6b1b61d0-38ef-5689-baf1-0000061b8d1a
  16. Probably to many words still. :dumb: Welcome nice intro.
  17. +1 on Iron's Vortex Strike fire for $150, Bushnell TRS-25 if you need to go cheaper but nothing else below that I would bother with. If you use the Vortex and you want magnification you can get a flip to the side magnifier. I have a 3x Sightmark that I use with my Eotech and its nice to get a bit more magnification for longer shots or smaller targets. Then you can simply swing it out of the way if you want the regular optic.
  18. That's sad I hope one of them ate a bunch of nails when you run over it next time.:dumb:
  19. I like them. I think it's hilarious when a line of 10 of them walk a crossed a 4-6 lane city street and everything stops. Fucking sucks about your hood. Can't believe a goose was on your car... I would have "got rid of it"...
  20. jerrodh

    Magpul Moving

    This is probably one of the most legit things I've ever seen a company do.
  21. Pending Sale tomorrow. Would love off this .308 why I am in columbus too. Might consider other trades. .22LR pistol comes to mind but who knows. Could potentially ad cash for the right deal.
  22. I retract my previous statement after looking it over some. I'd definitely drive it. Off a cliff. :gabe:
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