This game is trending to be the best in the series, enjoyed Morrowind and loved Oblivion. Skyrim's sheer size, attention to detail, and gameplay goes unmatched, but thats nothing new I say that about every game they release. People really need to give them more credit, noone makes games like they do.
Level 7 Imperial Battle mage, Name: Shikei Yoko he's not Japanese.
To everyone struggling with weight, IMHO upgrade staminia early in the game, especially if your a melee based or partially melee based character. The beginning of the game you will benefit more in the long run from being able to carry extra loot/etc. Also buy a house as soon as possible and keep ingridents, armor, and such that you don't necessarly need.
In oblivion whenever I went into a dungeon I typically left my armor or most of it at the house, that way I went into the dungeon with an empty character, after you kill one person you wear their armor, and so on and so forth. Half the time you end up with the same, similar or sometimes better armor anyway, you just have to play it safe to begin with.