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Everything posted by jerrodh

  1. I have two of these ones picked them up on sale for a bit cheaper than the current list price. The ASUS monitors are beast for the price/quality/options you get. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&N=100006652&isNodeId=1&Description=VW246H&x=0&y=0
  2. Seriously does seem overpriced for such an unpopular tank.
  3. Looks like I'll be upgrading sooner than I thought. WTS Droid incredible here I come.
  4. jerrodh

    Diablo 3

    theboss1990 Here.
  5. It has to do with the amount of licensed personel they have on staff. They do not have enough to cover the amount of hours the business is open. So when a licensed individual is not present they continue to go about business that is supposed to only be done when a licensed individual is around. And I do know for a fact they can be held liable. An
  6. Here is the rundown of the situation. Someone I know works for a company that is not complying with state board laws. The company has set expectations that all the people who work in the State of Ohio would be breaking these rules as well because with the current setup there is no way around it. They have recently found out they are under investigation by the state board. The company is being very hush-hush about it not keeping employees in to know at all. And just hired my friend within the past few months and never said a word. Obviously no job is worth a federal record, etc. But my friend did leave their previous job for the new job. Not only that they actually signed a new lease based on this location considering they were planning on moving until this job came about. So they have a lot of commitment based on this job. So they have pretty much come up with these ideas. A) have to quit and just cut their losses. B) tell the company they will not be doing these "expectations" that could qualify as breaking the law. C) Take some sort of legal action? C is really the option that they are leaning towards because if they just pick option B the company will likely just fire them which doesn't really help the situation at all. I personally recommended the option of B and C so if they would have some kind of legal protection if the company decided to fire my friend for simply NOT breaking the law. So if anyone has an insight it would be greatly appreciated because this is over my head and I can't really help my friend out. If legal action is possible or recommended what is the first step. They don't have a lot of money to really get anything going, especially if it's not a surefire return.
  7. Does anyone know of a different one I need one that shows all offenses in the past 5 years or so this is only for 2 years. Or do I just need to call the DMV?
  8. What is the link for looking up your driving record?
  9. Sksboards.com has a good crowd for all firearms if your looking for a forum. Has a strong following and a lot of great/helpful guys. Reminds me of here minus the kitchen. But yeah for any disassembly/reassembly even some/most mods youtube is hard to beat.
  10. The "2nd wall art" is that poster sized roughly?
  11. Anyone else find the trailer not that visually pleasing? Didn't look as good as previous trailers for modern warfares/black ops.
  12. I don't blame him I wont change my own oil its just kind of funny. And in all honesty he seems a little bit in over his head.
  13. Your not even part of the way to "tuning" yet. :dumb:
  14. http://watchseries.eu/letters/A
  15. Put me down for 10 of them if I can get them in tans or at least a few tan's I'd appreciate it. Thanks. I'll probably forget about this thread so PM me when more details are avaliable.
  16. jerrodh

    Black Ops 2

    I'll give it a look but MW3 has kind of killed the series for me. Just isn't fun anymore. Black Ops was my favorite and I'm sure I will get flamed from the infinity ward fan boys but Black Ops played the best out of the box.
  17. Split up a lot of it to family and close friends with agreements on what the money would be going to. I would want to know that I would be helping them buy a new house, put kids through college, paying off debt, etc. Obviously people really close to me would get more and have more freedom. Then I would buy a huge amount of land and build a major complex that would include state of the art security, underground bunkers, multiple buildings and or houses, a dragstrip and or road course, probably a helicopter, shooting ranges, etc. Save the rest and retire at 23.
  18. That guy will probably go to jail for defending himself. Least it wouldnt surprise me.
  19. The biggest thing is sticking to it. And it might just be making small adjustments overtime. Don't get discouraged. And make sure you set your priorities straight. An extra hour of relaxation after a long day of work is not better than an hour workout session. Getting into that mindset is really the hardest thing for some people (myself included). Fortunately for myself I don't have any real weight loss goals as I don't look at myself being overweight, I just would rather myself be in better shape. I try to do things I enjoy and with the weather warming up it will get even easier. My routine. 2-4 times a week 2+ mile run or a few miles on the treadmill/elliptical (weather dependent) 30mins-hour of free weights (I focus on a lot of reps with lower weights, no spotter and Im not huge into weights anyway so this helps keep my heart rate up and a good sweat going after my runs) I finish with a 5 minute sessions of jumping rope then I shoot a little hoops. This is all based on what I have access to, a good neighborhood to run in, and a decent onsight and indoor fitness/basketball court at my apartment complex. Everyone can chime in with their own plan that works for them. Just remember thats their plan, this is mine. You need a plan for you! The biggest thing is having the mindset and sticking to it. Also your goals with the diet, I can imagine that if you can come through on those your be ahead of the game already.
  20. Shoulda kept that to yourself... :dumb: Haha kidding, well kind of.
  21. Kind of cool they are doing a more comic book style graphics design. But another zombie game. :dumb: Fuck it i'll probably play it.
  22. Talking dead showed some good insights on hopefully a much better season. The finale was better than the previous episodes for sure but besides "her" showing up and the Prison part everything else was pretty mundane, least how I feel the whole season should have been.
  23. I will own one of these one day for sure. Probably one of my favorite trucks/and or military vehicle ever. You keeping it Tan or going to go a differernt route?
  24. Thats weak. http://blog.robballen.com/2012/03/13/p5475-a-breakthrough-in-powerful-concealed-carry-a-saam.post
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