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Everything posted by RyM3rC

  1. That was pretty good. I like seeing Jon Stewart turn on his own.
  2. RyM3rC

    Are you.....

    That sounds fun. Do we have to have insurance to play? Isn't that what call of duty is for?
  3. Damn you rguns! $20 for shipping kind kills it for me. I'll give Aero Precision a try instead for $75.
  4. Well, we'll pass massive economic sanctions, ignite a rapid insourcing frenzy, then our nation will collapse on itself and world war will break out. I'm pretty sure they're only doing it so they can base a Call of Duty game on it.
  5. We already paid for them, what do the taxpayers care if it's given away? I think you still have to pay transportation and handling fees, which could be hundreds of thousands of $ on its own.
  6. Danger to manifold! What maintenance has been done? Has the motor been rebuilt, or is it stock with 108k on it?
  7. Bummer. Guess they got tired of turbo failure huh? That's a super sweet torque curve though, I wish my car had that extra 800rpm! Too bad the 3-series gets uglier with every generation.
  8. Proof that some people just have too much money.
  9. If you strike me down I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine.
  10. F1 can kiss my ass. I swear they're becoming more and more retarded each year. F1 can die and Can-Am can come back for all I care.
  11. I'm just busting your chops, don't take it too hard. Anyone have builds on these yet? I liked Essential Arms lowers for awhile, but the last batch I got had a few thousandths more clearance at the the rear than I would like to see.
  12. for .243 you'd probably save a bit. On good accurate .223 you'll save a bunch, but not much on blasting ammo. Back when you could buy pulled m193 for nothing, and brass was almost free I'd load tons. Not so much anymore.
  13. welcome. See you at mid ohio I hope.
  14. Or a school job. Or any BS .gov job with super cheap health insurance. Those fuckers seem to get a lot of slack for the amount of work they do.
  15. Meh.. $20 isn't free. I'll remember that when you need some VR4 parts then.
  16. Good deal. I'll be looking you up shortly!
  17. Explain, then hook-up please.
  18. Reloading has never really been worth it for 9mm, but it will save you money on the bigger calibers. Also, for people that shoot odd calibers like a 7mm mauser or .50AE, it saves us a shitton. Loading up precision shooting ammo for .30-06, .223, etc will save you money and let you be more consistent. It used to be much cheaper, but bullets, brass and primers have gotten much more expensive in the last few years.
  19. Wow, now I definitely will never buy it. Good job Nissan, way to scare away customers.
  20. nope. My tires are rock hard and turning on salt ain't gonna happen.
  21. My offer still stands $1300 plus broken daytona. Eh? Eh?
  22. I'm surprised I didn't see the van from dumb & dumber. That one kinda looks like it.
  23. wtf is that? That's what you get for linking to spanish wiki or something.
  24. damnit! Does he have a gold fiddle?
  25. It will be Saturday, so I'm guessing the forums will be off to a slow start. Also, there will be natural disaster in Somalia, and we will spend millions of dollars helping out even though they do nothing for us. And the world will hate us for it.
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