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Everything posted by RyM3rC

  1. RyM3rC

    Tai Chi

    Thanks for the heads up. Someone cares.
  2. RyM3rC

    Taurus SHO

    The 80's Audis did rock, geez! When audi is turning out cars like the sport quattro (where were the evos and stis then? Didn't exist son!) and dominating racing on the track and on the dirt (IMSA, Trans Am, Rally ftw) then yeah, they were rockin. How awesome were your mustangs in in the 1980's? Yeah, that's what I thought. The only reason people buy them is to modify them into something they can bear to drive. Come on now. Not too mention Audi was poineering and mainstreaming some of the technologies we take for granted today. Turbocharging, all wheel drive, negative roll radius, sacrificial suspension parts, trip computers, heated seats everywhere, manually locking differentials, torque sensing differentials, aerodynamics, defeatable ABS, thermostatically controlled oil coolers, 5 valves per cylinder (okay, in the prototype phase), dual clutch transmissions, on board diagnostics and so on and so on. Did ford even know what a DSG box existed? The bottom line is an econobox taurus is just ford's cheap version of a stripped down Audi 5000. Don't tell me they sucked, if the COPY of the car can sell so well. Also please realize you live in America where people want POS disposable cars, not a quality piece of technology (what ever happened to those 2 million taurus cars anyway? I haven't seen one on the road in weeks?). Why did k-cars sell better than 911s? It must be because they were totally better, and have nothing to do with engineering or price... Wow, I'm done with this thread. Cars sucked in the 80's in general, but at least Audis weren't all total fail like some other companies;) Quit being ignorant. Sure, the SHO is better than a regular taurus, but it's still a taurus. Have a nice day.
  3. I don't know this guy, don't listen to a word he says. Damn Audi people... No, no alcohol for me, seriously. Tastes like gasoline to me, I must be allergic or something. I don't know.
  4. RyM3rC

    Taurus SHO

    because stupid sheeple listen to the liberal bullshit that spews forth from people like 60 minutes and make an uninformed decision. That's why. Oh, and it isn't like they're the same price or anything. If ANY of you have driven a taurus AND a 5000, then you can post. Otherwise stfu because I have and therefore have a frame of reference whereas you do not. Go sit in your garage and think about patching up your rust holes now, while I look at my beautiful original finish that has survived 2 decades of Ohio winters. Not that Audis are the best cars ever, but Jesus guys. If any of you had the money, I know you wouldn't buy a taurus, nobody would. $$$
  5. you have to put a loud exhaust on it to frown out the squeaks and rattles. Especially on an original car.
  6. That sounds about right. I can't ever remember having consuming (alcohol) in a bar before. Maybe I should get a super CCW permit! I need to clip my fingernails.
  7. oops, I burned through the first 4 pages so I didn't get caught on CR at work haha. No, alcohol and guns do not mix. I will never let anyone shoot with me if I think their judgement is impaired, nor will I offer them instruction if I think they're otherwise irresponsible. I'm thinking Chris that if CCW is allowed in alcohol serving places, you would still be prohibited if you consume though. Was that mentioned earlier? I though it was...? Seems to make sense except for that little thing you mentioned earlier (that people go to bars with the intent to drink).
  8. Also, has anyone noticed that the title Arizona is spelled wrong? wtf? Please fix it.
  9. I'm certain I could help you out with many international figures clearly showing how restricting firearms leads to an increased crime rate. I do have to get back to work though.
  10. RyM3rC

    Taurus SHO

    Yes, because of the C5R's success your car kicks ass. You understood correctly. Anyone who has seen an Audi 5000 next to a taurus can see where Ford got that idea from. They're nearly identical from the side, seriously. Good luck getting any Ford guy to admit that. Hey, Lexus jacks other companies ideas too, it's okay! Sorry you had so many problems, no car is perfect. I suspect your Audis were not maintained correctly. Electrical gremlins they have, but I'd rather have a goofy center display than a rusty shell of a body.
  11. Chris, shouldn't you be working? slacker. It's amazing this thread has probably doubled your post count too. I would love to be able to carry in bars and restaurants. Not that I would all the time, and not that I'm looking for a fight. But you know, usually the one time you don't have your firearm is the time you're going to say "holy shit, I really should be carrying right now." It has happened to me a few times, and it will happen a few more. You know what, the 2nd amendment is supposed to give us the right to keep and bear arms. Why doesn't the king of England just hole up in a bar and then we can't do shit to overthrow him, because we can't take guns in there. Grrr. I've got more. I'll let Chris get a few in first. Your turn.
  12. RyM3rC

    Taurus SHO

    I require proof. I have own(ed) 7 Audis made 86-93 that I can think of at this moment with 160k or more miles that would beg to differ. And they all had much nicer build quality than any SHO I've ever seen. Also, no rust...imagine that? Not to mention the pwnage that Audi laid down with their quattros in this era you mention (I'm sure the taurus has a successful racing history as well). I forgot when the last time an SHO made it up pikes peak was? Two different classes of car, and it is clear which is the imitator.
  13. Audi has had better looking cars. Would I drive one if it was free? Sure, why not.
  14. I think it's okay, but the front end looks too blocky and high. Needs to be sleeker, like an older Jaguar. I hate seeing the front end on cars getting higher and higher. It's not a freight train! Good to go with the old biturbo V8 or more. Otherwise fail.
  15. RyM3rC

    Taurus SHO

    Oh yeah, and don't forget the Conan SHO segments. Those are the best. Pretty sure Leno said something about them too.
  16. RyM3rC

    Taurus SHO

    I spent some time in a v-6 auto in high school and it sucked. Always breaking down, random sensors going bad, and wasn't that fast. I'm sure a 5-speed would have been better, but sheesh! The owner was well off and maintained it, it was mint! Just unreliable. I remember the seats were pretty cool, with inflatable bolsters or something. And forget getting to that rear cylinder bank.
  17. RyM3rC


    Oh, ok. I took down my reloading setup as I'm looking at moving in a few weeks, but if you haven't found anyone by the time I get it setup again you can come out and give it a shot. Sorry for the delay I'm trying to take advantage of the low interest rates right now.
  18. Yeah, must have to have a coupon or email link or something???
  19. Learn to drive, Jesus! Maybe you should buy a tip and leave the shifting to us experts... or A- for effort. You know, with all that mad torque, you could just start in 3rd and skip that shift altogether. That's what I do with my s4:rolleyes:
  20. RyM3rC


    Oh and Adam, if you have any questions about anything specific feel free to ask or send me a PM. RCBS rockchucker is a solid start.
  21. Very nice. M1 garand for the win. On a side note, if anyone is going to the North store soon please send me a PM! I've been trying to get up there to get some ammo for 2 months and shit keeps coming up! Oh man, CMP is so tasty. And BLO smells like gunroom...Nice
  22. RyM3rC


    Hey, it you want to come over and borrow the 454 dualie 1-ton you can. Wreck that neon bro! Old school!
  23. Is it really best offer?
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