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Everything posted by RyM3rC

  1. Okay, that makes sense. Good info, thanks.
  2. $75/month savings is outstanding. Is that in Ohio? Was that averaged out over the year or during a specific period? So they're generating around 600 extra kW per month I'd guess, and my ultra-rough mental math guesses your system is a 2 kWh (probably 10 200w panels)? The 2kWh systems are around $10k-$13k+ right now (not including installation) for name-brand panels, which would take a bit over 11 years to pay for themselves (just the cost of materials), assuming no maintenance, insurance, or repairs. The typical installed cost I was seeing awhile back was closer to $15k (for a 2kWh system, which is popular) so it looks like it has come down a little. You can see how at a $15k installed cost it would take 15+ years to pay themselves off, and given solar panels were estimated for 90% of rated generation for 10 years, 80% for 20 years, and generally a 25-year life cycle it didn't make much sense. Given I'm no expert, these figures are pretty rough. $7200 is pretty good, I'm assuming they were getting the 30% federal credit, plus some Ohio credit/rebate on top of that unless it's a smaller system than I'm thinking. It's definitely getting better.
  3. Where are you a professor? Welcome.
  4. There are no electricals, it's from 1977. God help us when the hamsters die and the rubber bands break though.
  5. Kill it with fire! Seomebody! Anybody! Meow!
  6. With as much as it's raining we can stop worrying about gas and get our energy from hydro-gravitational generation! Yay clean energy for all!
  7. Why is this thread still going? Has this just turned into some public service announcement? Can't we just ban him from the "For Sale" section of the forum? This thread needs to be more entertaining. Someone post some LOLs.
  8. Where do I sign up? Is this a cost-prohibitive industry to get into? Are there not enough trained and experienced personnel? The video said in PA they're adding 5 wells a day. Sounds like it is booming for sure, is the expansion just outrunning the oversight/regulatory powers?
  9. Interesting. So it's another of THOSE issues. It's very difficult to find unbiased reports on these kind of issues, everything is so far to one side it all looks like bullshit.
  10. Because Jim-Bob sees 200 acres of hunting land or cheap, and says "Hey I don't care if I don't own blah blah blah rights, I just want to hunt" and then has problems.
  11. You wouldn't think they would be allowed to contaminate any source of drinking water. Are people testing the drinking water, and finding evidence of contaminants in it? That's not cool.
  12. That's for 2009 cars, and a few 2010s in non-America. Seems to me the big deal is the people who have 2010 and 2011 Saabs that now have no warranty. You'd be pissed if you bought a new car, had a major part failure, then the warranty didn't exist. I'm sure there will be a giant class-action suit and everyone will get checks for $37 in 10 years. Gives the attorneys something to do.
  13. He's done some positive things, but if you're a liberal democrat you're not going to like him. People are greedy and if there are valuable resources they will be exploited eventually. If your shit doesn't get fracked now, your kids will frack it, or their kids, and they will enjoy the profits/consequences. Or we could all just install solar panels, wind turbines, and generators and then the coal would be worthless? Is that what you're going for?
  14. Lots of people do that when they get nervous. Dude's wife is a pussycat, my wife would have been hitting me and pulling the ebrake if I tried something like that.
  15. Oh no you didn't! :lolguy: http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTf0TcYAa8AaPP9qzdnGjQ6GIPI8lxRinSwkG94klBj64cL2y8m
  16. Guess what your 2011 Saab and my 1993 Audi have in common? No warranty! Both worthless! Parts no longer available! :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy: :lolguy:
  17. No. If half the retired GM employees keeled over dead in 2009, and everyone paid their bills on time, that might have saved them.
  18. Well yeah, if your window a/c uses 1000 watts you need a 1kWh solar array to support it running constantly (during sunlight) assuming 100% perfect efficiency. In retard-laymen's terms. Living on your own energy is doable, especially with a solar/wind/generator setup but major lifestyle changes are required. Hey, if you want to run a window a/c and a fridge here's a nice little 2.25kWh solar system for only $16.5k.amazon solar panel
  19. Shit in Alaska is expensive. Fucking $6 for a gallon of milk, and $3 for a chocolate bar is retarded. Makes our Ohio troopers look seriously, seriously, seriously overpaid. Which they are.
  20. A Saab 900? That must have been quite awhile ago. The times I've bought VW/Audi parts from them since 2001 or so I've been very careful to give exact part #s and they've always gotten me exactly what I need if available.
  21. Yeah, I thought of that as well. These girls look much better, good work. Also, I'm pretty sure this is false-advertising on some level.
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