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Everything posted by RyM3rC

  1. Looks like she's wearing some makeup, and she got here hair did. Or maybe some photoshopping. Buyer beware. Keep them coming!
  2. Please, share! I haven't looked into this in awhile, looks like I'm out of the loop.
  3. Yes please do, I'm very interested if the costs have come down enough. Even if it's not a residential system I'm always interested in actual facts. Watch out, there's a metric shitton of marketing BS and propaganda out there from "green-energy" groups, and people trying to sell this stuff.
  4. I remember the wind being a lot better the further northwest you get. Somewhere there was a nice map that showed the wind patterns and something about a glacial ridge, blah blah blah. There were some decent incentive programs for awhile which is what got me interested, but 10+ years to see something even resembling a return just doesn't work for me. Yeah, doing it for a residence is a whole different ballgame than doing it for a business. I'm pretty sure my dad still has some of the literature and shit.
  5. Don't get me started on Byers Mazda. I really seriously looked into buying a couple small windmills last year (in Union county), and after talking with two locals who bought them and reading around it would take longer than the service life of the windmill to pay it off. Total waste of money, unless someone gives it to you, you get a grant, or you're somewhere else. This is from real people, verifying their generation and consumption. Not BS marketing, agenda-pushing, grant-sucking lobbyists. If you have information to the contrary I would be very interested to discuss.
  6. While that would make a nice statement, it is beyond impractical to accomplish this on a scale large enough to impact a company like AEP. We don't have good wind here, it's not sunny often enough, solar panels take forever to pay for themselves by which time they need replaced, gas/diesel generators aren't economically practical, the natural gas/coal underground is impractical for a homeowner to exploit, etc. What do you suggest? Ammonia power? Methane trapping for the farmers? wood-burning power? Drastically cutting power usage?
  7. Yep, and installing new power lines and such everywhere isn't going to happen. So the AEP trying to get my business isn't the asshole AEP? Interesting, thanks.
  8. AEP wants my business and says they can save me $20 monthly over DP&L. We'll see AEP, we'll see.
  9. :lolguy: Sounds like my wife.
  10. Looks like someone just became a pack mule. :lolguy:
  11. I was going to post something funny like a storm-trooper rifle, or a Halo gun with some witty remarks, but then I got lazy. Get a good AK like a Saiga or Arsenal, OR a good AR like a BCM or Colt, learn the system, have spares, have ammo, practice a lot, get training. AKs because everywhere else uses them, ARs because we use them, and they're both good common weapons systems.
  12. Are you sure that's the only virus you've got? The 2012 virus should be fixed after fixing the reg files, running rkill, running MBAM in safe mode and rebooting.
  13. That's what I get for dividing my attention. Thanks They're rebooting the series? Jeez, what next- the remake of Star Wars episodes 1-3?
  14. Oh, is that what was going on? (I watched without sound) That's some seriously hokey shit right there. Seriously? Gawd I hate fanboy movies.
  15. Batman can die? Are you sure? Stunts looked interesting, but a little too far out there in my opinion. Lol at the badass security soldiers just standing around, watching shit unfold. Typical hollywood "Stand there and wait for me to do some cool shit from 19 different camera angles." Was looking pretty cool though for a minute.
  16. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. He could be much, much worse. Especially for us obamacare-hating, gun-toting Ohioans.
  17. RyM3rC

    New guy.

    Yum 930. Why on Earth would you want an integra when you have a nice sexy 911 turbo? Why would you want to come back to Youngstown?
  18. It will be fun to visit in 51 years after the massive boom-town has become abandoned and the only people left are flesh-eating radioactive zombies. Er, wait that already happened? 51 years into the future
  19. OMG it's a terrorist and they're flying bombs around! Scramble the F-16s! Gimme.
  20. One of the very few musicians/celebrities who can talk about serious issues and NOT be exposed for the idiot he is. For radical hick people assume he is he has his shit together.
  21. No. It is entertaining, but you only get to see one chick's tits for a sec. Also, no Chuck Norris.
  22. Do you get double credential points if you actually know how to play guitar? Few can make clean, sensical, crisp solos look as effortless as Eric Clapton. SRV stuff is fun even if he reuses riffs like crazy. Hendrix would be more fun to play if half his tunes didn't get all weird with reverse-phasing, weird effects and other drug-induced craziness. And G&R does sound whiny to me too.
  23. Yeah, eff that place. I remember there were shenanigans back when they just built that VW service garage, but at least a couple of the employees I dealt with there were squared away.
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