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Everything posted by SSick06

  1. SSick06

    WTB Mustang

    Thats shitty...end of story but it was a sweet 5.0 slower then the SS though haha
  2. I love mine, But I swear as TBSS owners we pay for GM's terrible designs, small things always happening, seems like i am at the shop more then I actually drive it for somthing stupid. But like i said I still love it
  3. The Clear is terrible on those wheels, even GM reps will admit that. I actually Just had mine replaced free of charge because of the clear peeling off and corroding the wheel. You may not be able to get the finish back, they have been known to haze under the clear. I have talked to a lot of people having the clear stripped and resprayed but you can run into the same problem. I am looking into maybe chroming mine
  4. Nice job, I have an identical SS, Have you had trouble with the paint chipping in front of the rear wheels. GM has a Paint Chip TSB out for that reason on our vehicles. I just had the dealer take a look, I didn't know if you have encountered any problems. I couldn't tell from the pics, usually a good sealer will protect it from that to an extent, but not completely, just curious.
  5. Wow Props to you, I have only been involved for a few years i will graduate with a BS in exercise Science i took the CSCS test in June passed, Most recently trained a buddy to a 1st place bantam weight and top 5 overall at the Natural Northern in Lakewood Last month. I have worked with some college and few Pro athletes nothing major yet. But its nice to be able to talk about other stuff on here without the flaming haha Nice to talk with someone with your experience
  6. Hal, You seem to have a great deal of knowledge in fitness. Just curious to where you gained this, just your own training or more extensive backround? I am new still, but its nice seeing others with interests in training, I have a decent backround as well.
  7. SSick06


    Damn you figured me out good job. lol It was my girl making a random face because she thought it was stupid to be taking pics thats all. I know it looks humerous/ weird/ who knows it is mine though
  8. SSick06


    Yea I am from Shelby I am not around there much though. From time to time ill be back on a weekend but not all the time. I doubt you have seen mine possible though.
  9. SSick06


    PM Sent thanks Ray
  10. SSick06


    I am from Shelby, Just north of Mansfield, And I go to school in Findlay that's where i am most of the time that's why I put both on.
  11. SSick06


    Thanks for insulting the Pic. Sorry my Intro sucked and my pics did too. Im not a photographer I was trying to get a Pic that i had up as soon as I could. I am a noob obviously I did not understand completely the rules of the Intro and I spoke before I should of. Im not going to get mad about you insulting me thats fine. I came on here to try and learn more, I am not a mechanic by any means but i am an enthusiast of cars specifically Muscle Cars. So i figured that i could possibly learn something from you all. I am not trying to post whore, Just wanted to apologize since my into obviously did not suite you guys.
  12. SSick06


    http://s445.photobucket.com/albums/qq179/SSick06/ Here are a few pics iv been uploading... sorry for the delay. For now the SS is stock, but I am looking to upgrade Future upgrades include: CAI Tune e Fans 160 Thermostat Exhaust Maybe more maybe less Just my thoughts for now. Justin
  13. SSick06


    Ill post Pics soon, I dont Have any on my computer right now Sorry
  14. SSick06


    Hey Guys Im new on here Im from the Mansfield area currently in Findlay. I have a 2006 Trailblazer SS AWD. Heard about this from a friend and wanted to join and talk with others maybe learn a thing or two about cars.
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