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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. That's a tiny battery. Are you sure that's not from a lawn mower?
  2. stopped reading at shipping
  3. few things to try. 1) roll back the audio drivers. Windows 7 updates search for the "best" drivers out there for your devices. It will then install them automatically. Perhaps the new update had a shit audio driver. 2) reinstall drivers from the manufacturers website. Again microsofts automatic driver system may not have chosen the best drivers. 3) system restore to the date prior to the updates.
  4. oh i just copied it from sturges image. double copyright infringement!
  5. My official submission. plain white tee with the cr logo painted on the front. nothing on the back. http://i371.photobucket.com/albums/oo160/jeffro1265/CRdesign.jpg
  6. forgot to ask, is this atx, or micro atx?
  7. wagner: http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BNTY3MzgwMjE3N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNjc2MjE3NA@@._V1._SX214_CR0,0,214,314_.jpg
  8. flurries here in delaware. snow is snow i guess.
  9. about the best match i could come up with; ramsey: http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100520195035/uncyclopedia/images/2/2c/Fat-bastard.jpg <3
  10. wtf LOL reminds me of: http://www.boatdesign.net/gallery/data/500/dolphin-boat.jpg
  11. ill sell you a white evo 4g on sprint. the white ones are faster than the black ones(imagine that) as the white ones are 4g capable. In used but perfect working order. 150? clear ESN 1ghz cpu, 4.3" screen, android 3.3, dual cameras, ect ect ect http://russian.gadgetmeet.com/uploadfiles/russiansemagancom-1293658255/white-htc-evo-4g-on-sale-through-sprint-sprint-now-selling-white-evo-4g-through-all-sprint-outlets-i_1.jpg
  12. http://pigroll.com/img/this_looks_shooped.jpg
  13. went last night and sat in 110 row M. it was right behind the goal. section 107 is also a good section! glws. they managed to go from a 3-1 lead with 1:18 left in the third period and ended up losing 4-3 in over time. CBJ fails, hard
  14. lmao at the logo. nice try. oh an whats a bennie? Id be interested in a beanie.
  15. wed turn into mexico. im sure youve seen the chainsaw video...
  16. i see it much like pulling the race card. What difference does it make? I probably wouldnt have known he was a veteran in the first place. i seriously doubt anyone would say, "im a vet, its okay if i piss in your lawn, or spraypaint on your car." do you see where im going with this? Nothing should put anyone above the law or anyone else. dont get me wrong, i am thankful to have men and women risk their lives to keep my "freedom", and keep us safe.
  17. jeffro

    Woot-Off 12/6

    60 batteries for 11 bucks shipped. http://www.woot.com/sale/fuji-extra-long-life-heavy-duty-batteries-60-pack
  18. So if a vet robs a bank here in the states he should be pardoned? makes sense and that concludes todays show folks. Nothing to see here, move along
  19. why do people think war vets get special treatment? assault? fuck no, dude deserved it.
  20. this. The QPF maps suggest not much more than a thick dusting. my guess; 1/3" snow. http://i371.photobucket.com/albums/oo160/jeffro1265/Weather/12znamp24036.gif http://i371.photobucket.com/albums/oo160/jeffro1265/Weather/12zgfsp24036.gif http://forums.accuweather.com/index.php?act=attach&type=post&id=147002 http://hp6.wright-weather.com/wrf_nmmeast-radar-loop_1hour.gif
  21. OP mad cuz he gay too. Seriously though, this dude sounds like hes not going to put up with whiny tit bullshit. its fucked up that you cant say christmas because immigrants dont like it. eat shit sandies.
  22. clipper system moving through friday afternoon/night. graphics to come. This seems pretty solid.
  23. fyi, a new color wheel will run you 100-150$. glws
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