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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. middle school, so probably 13? This faggot kept throwing rocks at me so i smashed my fist into the back of his head about 8 times as he ran away from me. only fight. Been very tempted with others, but kept my cool.
  2. same boat man. The nut that holds my exhaust together has completely rusted together and it just crumbled. going to cut that fucker off tomorrow
  3. why would someone let their dog shit in the laundry room like that. facepalm.jpg
  4. i dont even know who that is. and 206k doesnt fit the criteria. i do however, appreciate your response.
  5. something tells me if you tried holding a flag burning ceremony in your yard you will be sorry
  6. Probably out of my budget as im looking to stay under 4k.
  7. Looking to get back into another Integra. The only ones on craigslist are beat to shit with 200+k miles owned by emo mexicans who think two tone bumpers are cool. Looking for something clean, mostly STOCK, with lower miles. TIA Oh, and must be 5 speed.
  8. The Delaware fair has one. Its coming up soon.
  9. good quality. you could see everything.
  10. dat autotragic. fast car regardless.
  11. jeffro

    Troll thought

    There are windmills along the highways in michigan that generate electricity from the cars rushing by.
  12. jeffro

    Toilet Rust?

    oops, nothing to see here.
  13. that looked pretty fucking real to me. but so do the leprechons and giraffes sitting next to me.
  14. Check any newspaper. In the back.
  15. Does it have ANY inputs? be it RCA, or a fat mic port?
  16. so 99.9% of television is retarded for this reason? i smells hypocrisy. your logic makes sense.
  17. But thats the beauty of it. I love missing a few days of LOL thread then spending forever just looking through the lulz. In fact, i may start at page 1 again, surely i dont remember the images from 200 pages ago
  18. are you sure about that? I thought he said it had a stock t5?
  19. 270, 315, 23 is not that bad if you know how the interchange works. if everyone would plan ahead and take their appropriate lane well ahead of time there wouldnt be so much congestion at the interchange. 315N to 270 EB kind of sucks a little bit, but thats because people cant merge properly. Theyre either pussy footin it, or are super aggressive.
  20. and vinny is still chill as fuck. havnt seen yesterdays episode just yet. DVRd though.
  21. feelsgoodtobeback.jpg i missed some funny shit!
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