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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. get out. If theres one thing i dont shit in, its a for sale thread.
  2. jeffro

    nasty storms

    I mean, i suppose they could figure out a way to make the sirens more localized. there really isnt predicting any tornados that already arent on the ground.
  3. my favorite boat ever, a carver.
  4. and what is it that you want your phone to do that requires an iphone to be jail broken?
  5. TI-83 graphing calculator. works great. cr price: $40. http://columbus.craigslist.org/ele/2333042548.html
  6. Im in an argumentative mood today, so.. Thats like comparing apples to oranges. If Motorola only released one phone a year, everyone would be excited for it like apples iphone. but since they're releasing new phones every 1.3 seconds, nobody gives two shits. Same with HTC and samsung
  7. jeffro

    nasty storms

    The problem lies within the unpredictability of the storms. Storms can go any which way at any time. There wasn't actually any tornados sighted last night. The NWS uses velocity maps like posted on page 2 looking for cloud rotation. as soon as cloud rotation is spotted the horns blow.
  8. I guess im a basic kind of guy. . cupcake running on a newer fast phone would be the shit!
  9. Ive had zero desire to modify my iphone. why? because its good just the way it is. Dont get me wrong, android is a good OS, but i think its gone to hell the last year or so. Too many different versions out now. thats like making a different copy of windows for every PC manufacturer.
  10. Inb4hugeapplevsandroiddiscussionwhereeveryonegetsdefensive I had the first android phone for just over 2 years before switching over the the iphone 4. For all the fags saying android is soo much better, its not really the case. After using my iPhone for about 2 months now I must say that I absultely love it. Why...? Because it works. it never freezes, crashes, or shuts off randomly. Its fast as shit, and the "limitations" people talk about don't exist, unless your on verizon. there are virtually unlimited apps for it, ive never not found something i was looking for for free. Haters gonna hate.
  11. jeffro

    nasty storms

    confirmed? http://forums.accuweather.com/uploads/post-13231-1303282869.gif
  12. jeffro

    nasty storms

    i was waiting to see if this storm would produce here like it has in 6 different states. got some wicked imagery out of it though: http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/221652_10150570994620304_877475303_18330620_2013416_n.jpg http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/215949_10150570991555304_877475303_18330603_2120293_n.jpg and yes, i have to be up in 4 hours to go to work. joy.
  13. jeffro

    nasty storms

    heard them also, they quit though. storm sucked here. btw, its bullshit how the mcdonalds on gemeni closes at like 10pm heavy heavy rain for a good 1-3 hour period behind the front
  14. jeffro

    nasty storms

    some fuckhead in a toyota 4 runner keeps doing circles a hundred miles an hour around our apartment building. wtf
  15. jeffro

    nasty storms

    im up because of these storms. fuck me. ive been waiting on them since 11pm
  16. jeffro

    nasty storms

    the neighbor has wind chimes that are just barely banging. reminds me of the movie twiester before the tornado hits
  17. jeffro

    nasty storms

    are rolling through now:
  18. obvious troll is obvious
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