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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. your making a bad name for jeffs, asshole
  2. i have some questions, for either parties. PM me if you are associated with either carriers. Thanks, Inad Vance
  3. hey, serious reply here. on the way back from put in pay today, theres a sign off either 98/4(same road) for doberman pups. didnt stop to get a price or telephone number though. if your up for a road trip(60 miles), im pretty certain it was north of bucyrus on the west side of the road.
  4. Thanks for the laugh alex, I needed it
  5. Its so severe they refuse to believe it. And when you say anything about it they get super pissed off. Fuck
  6. So the family and I are on a 5 day camping excursion to east harbor state park up in marblehead near port clinton ohio(right on lake erie.) Let me just start by saying I will never go camping/on vacation with my sister/mother again. Jesus christ,these 2 people are the most unorganized, cluttered, pieces of shit I have ever been around. My mother decided it would be neseccary to take the entire house, including the kitchen sink, and cram it into every pissible space that was currently occupied. They get shit out, and just drop it where they used it last, they can't clean up after themselves, and don't give a fuck if the door to the 24' pop-up we have, is blocked by either dirty clotching, or just random shit. Our entire campsite is loaded with useless shit that won't get used this entire trip. I wish I could just knock these mother fuckers out everytime they leave something out. None of you care, but I figured the internet was the best place to look for sympathy, as nobody around here sure gives a shit. /rant
  7. definitely my favorite of the bikes. neat pics
  8. i think you may be right. it also has a front mount interfooler, that doesnt do anything.
  9. people like you dont deserve to know, faggot. now, go tell ALL of your friends not to show up.
  10. http://lh5.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TDi4Nbrb9hI/AAAAAAAAA78/Nyl8CygdAMY/s640/1278785107687.png
  11. Maybe that's because there's only 2 apple stores in columbus, whereas verizon, sprint or t-mobile have one in every single shopping center in the area.
  12. owning guns in america roots back to the 1600s when we were fighting for our freedom. well you know the rest, no since in giving a history lecture.
  13. no blood... i say fake http://imgur.com/KxMUj.jpg
  14. im pretty certain daniel tosh is a faggot. http://www.gayapartheid.org/images/tosh_AIDS.jpg
  15. car was in motion so its hard to tell. i know he had tinted tail lights.
  16. bump. whos taking care of this now, since rob isnt on the board anymore. i dont feel comfortable taking my vehicles to him anyways.
  17. Ooohhhhh well. What happened to ntb downtown? Private, quiet, and in the middle of the city
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