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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. jeffro

    Z faggot

    i missed this? wtff
  2. Finally the Chinese getting back to inventing solutions rather than ripping them off from elsewhere.
  3. I'm pretty certain your fagphone has a central processing unit. Else it wouldn't function.
  4. its still there, you just gotta dig for it. then you cant view your own threads, or even see anyone elses threads. or even the section for that matter.
  5. try craigslist. thats where i found my network administration job.
  6. its not often you a see a black boat on alum. sweet pics, and i dig the boat!
  7. http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2009/12/17/129055583456621960.jpg
  8. how about lake club on polaris? theyre 680 a month, 2 BR flats. nice community
  9. and i bet it took you miles to get going that fast. i was talkin to a delaware county sheriff one evening, and he said his cruiser was slow as shit.(im pretty sure he was bein serious)
  10. nice catch farkas!:leghump:
  11. yep, cobra centercaps in bullitts
  12. http://lh4.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TFjKk0wk0HI/AAAAAAAAA-Q/6nLxWhgg90I/1280887393614.jpg
  13. suppose i made the mistake of assuming that you were talking about the lady in the article.
  14. 12 more posts till 100 pages http://lh4.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/TFi_LL930sI/AAAAAAAAA-I/iJpkY8Ys-rM/s640/1280883306264.jpg
  15. So, mr. Einstein, what would the correct answer be? my guess is that since the source is moving at the same speed as the light comming from the source, it , fuck it i have no idea.
  16. just called. 21 plus, asshole
  17. how much are rounds of pool? id be interested in playin some pool.
  18. repost before you even post it. its in the LOL thread.
  19. i fucking lol'd, and had to take a second look.
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