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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. jeffro


    fix rust. was car. nevermind washing car. fuuuuu
  2. Anthony, there were a total of 4 awards given out per section of the rally (ie east and west coast). First I want to say that on the first day, omni finished first after a really late start, then doc second, then ryan and I 6th. On the second day it was omni 1st, doc second, and us 3rd after running on fumes for several miles. Today omni, doc, and ourselves all pulled in at the same time taking 1st, 2nd and 3rd. It became pretty obvious who the leaders were. As for the rewards.... Team impala had the quickest first leg time, winning a trophy. Team omni had the quickest time for the second leg, but was DQ'd for being recorded speeding so their trophy was forfeited to ryan and I. Team omni, doc, and ourselves all had the same exact times for the third leg, but since omni was DQ'd the trophy went to doc. Doc took the final trophy of overall fastest time, although omni clearly won it. I feel so bbad for seth and his brother for doing outstanding in the omni but some kid whitey tit fuckers robbed him of 3 trophies. Doc was super kind and gave the overall trophy to seth and his brother, as they worked their ass off for it. For myself, there was a great deal of competativeness amongst the other cr members as well as a huge amount of comradery amongst us. Nothing was more satisfying than cr taking 3 of the 4 trophy's from the east coast rally. GO CR!!!!!!!!
  3. Few things: There has been an ongoing thread about this rally for several months now. unless your inactive on the forum, you couldnt have missed it. Doc is not the shit because he is NOT in the lead of this "thing". if you would have read above, were pretty certain team omni(seth and his bro) are in the lead, although no times are official yet Pretty big deal? apparently not to you. however, for the participants, its an experience of a lifetime and were having tons of fun. Reporting in from Catoosa Oklahoma, this is Jeff with Team Cobalt.
  4. please tell me you didn't buy from best buy....
  5. ill be back on sunday, and i will begin buying stuff.
  6. roy, still sellin that half size radiator?
  7. something happened over by the highschool too. theres a white house across from the farm on north road that had 6 sheriffs cruisers in the driveway with spotlights on the house. there were flashlights in the woods behind the house, as well as 2 units parked at the highschool. unusually high activity in this part of town lately.
  8. 10-4 on that, just took a drive over. im thinkin it is/was north of 36.
  9. nice work dude, just out of curiosity, what do you do for a living?
  10. http://www.radioreference.com/apps/audio/?action=wp&feedId=175 just tuned in, but it sounds like a boat has either sank, or car has driven too far into the ramp.
  11. LOL pwned. i will try that next time i see one
  12. dont buy from best buy. way overpriced on everything they sell. try completely uninstalling the device. deleting and uninstalling all drivers. try installing the new drivers again, if the error continues, revert back to a previous driver version. if that all fails, go with a usb wireless device or something similar.
  13. microcenter has excellent return ethics. i returned some memory to them nearly a year after i purchased it. as killjoy stated, a water pump can go out on one car, but not another. just bad luck i guess. also, microcenter is only the middleman. cant blame them for the computer dieing.
  14. i quit reading robs post when "she" started talking about her personal life. dead give away.
  15. ah exactly what i was looking for. i saw the redish trailblazer looking thing parked at reds with all the doors open. they will never find that dude around here. too densely wooded...
  16. Headers and tune time !
  17. i laughed at the comment about going 85mph in japan. nice collection, and welcome.
  18. angle grinder? 3/8" air ratchet? tall jackstands?
  19. tint your windows, and paint them black
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