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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. good seeing all of you. 5 bucks a round for pool?
  2. looks like we jut may be clear till about 9pm http://radar.weather.gov/radar.php?rid=iln&product=N0R&loop=yes
  3. Ysoharsh on the noobs? Everyone has the start somewhere. Yes, this is tonight, getting cloudy though...
  4. i saw you on polaris yesterday paul, i tried to catch up but your neon was just tooo fast.
  5. jeffro

    Starcraft 2 beta

    i dont think this ftp is set up properly for what you would like to do.
  6. jeffro

    Starcraft 2 beta

    sending a PM your way trowa. giving you access to my ftp server
  7. jeffro

    Starcraft 2 beta

    oh cool, that would be convinient. i think i still have an ftp server. you can upload it there. ill let u know if i can find the host/user/password
  8. jeffro

    Starcraft 2 beta

    negative on the usenet access. i have to work early tomorrow so i doubt ill be out that late. perhaps sometime this weekend.
  9. that second vehicle was a real hummer. bawlin.
  10. jeffro

    Starcraft 2 beta

    does this version support multiplayer? if so i woulnt mind getting it tonight if possibe
  11. jeffro

    Starcraft 2 beta

    mmmm :leghump: will you be out at sonic tomorrow?
  12. jeffro

    Starcraft 2 beta

    when can i come get it.
  13. jeffro

    Starcraft 2 beta

    this. somehow ive managed to play runescape for the last 10 years also.
  14. jeffro

    Starcraft 2 beta

    i have been waiting years for this game. where can i get this pre-beta version? andy and i used to play starcraft on a regular basis. ps, also waiting on diablo 3...
  15. In! See you pussies there. Disclaimer: weather permitting
  16. In! See you pussies there. Disclaimer: weather permitting
  17. nah, just werent tightened and back that far out.
  18. engine displacement? 350 or 400 cc?
  19. jeffro


    :funny: i enjoy golfing at the hidden valley 9 hole coarse in delaware. super laid back and cheap too.
  20. work on your car. brother helped me out a few weeks back. told me he tightened them down. there are 2 bolts that bolt the crossmember to the tranny. both of them were backed almost all the way out. now i know what the banging was from. my fault for believing him i guess. http://lh3.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/S5hd8SHBZ4I/AAAAAAAAAWM/YSc3GY3d14E/s800/bolt1.jpg up close http://lh5.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/S5hd8iS2gQI/AAAAAAAAAWQ/GGEX7Fa-yPY/s640/bolt.jpg on a side note, did some soldering to get my reverse lights working today. the tko 600 reverse sensor was slightly different than the stock sensor, so i had to splice the wires, solder them to the sensor, and siliconed them to keep them dry. i shoulda taken pics.
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