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Everything posted by jeffro

  1. you can build a nice budget PC with 500. quad core, 4-6 gigs of ram, good size hdd. if you give me a few ill put something together for you.
  2. jeffro

    tik tok

    looks like her teef developed way prematurely. the rest of her corpse needs to catch up.
  3. jeffro


    holy shit. last i looked at 9 it was just starting to stick.
  4. jeffro


    snowing hard up here in delaware. roads gettin slick. be careful out there if you gotta go anywhere.
  5. t-mobile has been outstanding for me the last 16 months. ive only had 1 issue with them, and that was when it wouldnt accept my debit card online one month.
  6. verizon customer service blows. i had too many issues with them overcharging me every month. got tired of being issued credits. however, i do give them props for their network.
  7. 1..2..3. oh no he didnt. that guy had the retarded hand curl going.
  8. not usable. this is now the best alignment tool you can get. no idea what its worth. 30$ obo http://lh4.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/S6v6F4s5mgI/AAAAAAAAAZo/4HGU1qBxNxQ/s640/input%20shaft.jpg
  9. i lol'd. no, i just tried to go around and that shit was soupy. this. oh well,
  10. that was 1 of about 7 trucks. he backed up so i could get onto the road, but i failed. lol. 4L wasnt working properly. i think the rear end needs rebuilt
  11. thank you semi. didnt get any info on the truck did you?
  12. tried to go around that aspelunde truck on my way home, but dodge said no way. i live in a 1 lane street. i had to be pulled out lawl. http://lh3.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/S6vJR0_8heI/AAAAAAAAAZc/WqF_xzbcu5M/s800/stuck%20dodge.jpgp
  13. naw man, im a lover not a fighter.
  14. this is going to be fucking awesome. i can not wait to see you guys beat the shit out of eachother.
  15. jeffro

    tik tok

    shes hideous looking, but did a decent job editing for her age.
  16. this would be ideal, how much? i really need to get rid of this bahemith desktop
  17. i swear that dog listens to her brother better than ANY child ive ever seen. its amazing.
  18. hey are boxers aggressive dogs? my girlfriends brother has one. first time over there it scared the shit out of me
  19. that clutches friction point was the floor when i got in it.
  20. ohhh facebook. girl i went to school with... http://lh5.ggpht.com/_zt1IrYTCrOo/S6omERV9lJI/AAAAAAAAAY4/iSp7hZb8lNA/wtf.jpg
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